No no no you can send them food and stuff. They are asking.


As long as you're okay with using the gub'ment to send them food (they're apparently dandy with it), here are the top ten snacks for them, as compiled by The Oregonian:

  • #YallQaeda Trail Mix (extra nuts)
  • M&M's (none of those commie red ones please)
  • Chocolate Chip Cookies (Mama Bundy's recipe following strict Shania law)
  • Jerky (since this whole mess wouldn't have happened if the federal government wasn't a bunch of jerks)
  • Snickers. (That's what the Constitution says they ate at Valley Forge, right?)
  • Hamburgers from Burns' best diner -- and charge them to the owners, since we're sure they have no problem with us being here.
  • Oranges. But please remove the "O", since it reminds them of Obama. So, 'ranges.
  • It's not a snack but ... potpourri (because 20 guys in a room ... well, you know.)
  • Humble pie.
  • Crow.

unfunny try hard post ggs

I was on the fense about this but now I am sold.

I will give them money for snacks while writing my charitable donation off on my taxes.

I want them to stay many more years if need be. Watching dealy, vanster, midge foam their emasculated panties over this sagebrush rebellion is just too much to pass up.

I can't think of any other charity that would bring me this much amusement and ability to piss in the blue tribes punch bowl
do obamacare a favor don't send snacks 2 those fat fuks

let them lose weight and reduce strain on the commie socialist nazijew obamacare system

a hungry patriot is a bloodthirsty patriot and we need bloodthirsty patriots if we want them 2 stick it to the man
It is amusing how desperately they want anyone who is disagrees with them, to already be full fledged nutty Bundites.

I am sure you know the term never bite the hand that feeds you... this is a continuation on that

While they poke and prod at rednecks the message is always the same.

These loyal dogs want their government bone and will do anything to defend it.

Dealy admitted his family is so poor, backwoods, obese, and likely inbred that without the life support of Obamacare would likely die in a Walmart cortessy scooter while rummaging for Little Debbie's between insulin shots. Yet he mocks these people

Vanster has already been explained. White people, like the family that adopted him, are the scourge of his existence.

Midge...well we all know his deal
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Dealy admitted his family is so poor, backwoods, obese, and likely inbred that without the life support of Obamacare would likely die in a Walmart cortessy scooter while rummaging for Little Debbie's between insulin shots. Yet he mocks these people

lol u know whats funny?

captain tele mentioned working 4 navy in cali through deductive logic there are only a few naval centers largest being china lake in CA

if you live in China lake there are only a few places you can live to get there but still not be isolated

he either lived in bakersfield or victorville

also through IP checking i found he was in victorville and driving north to work at China Lake at times possibly

after investigating the info he posted it p obvious he is working for navair

that he works at china lake. the really amusing thing about is is that the page
TWL: Obama The Socialist In Democrat Clothing

and the google cached page
TWL: Obama The Socialist In Democrat Clothing
Originally Posted by ss
You always make me laugh Mock.


Are you still out at China Lake? God, what a shithole.
Originally Posted by captain tele aka mockery

It sure is the king of shitholes.

NASA will colonize Mars long long before anyone is able to make anything respectable out of this place.

It has gotten so bad out here that even the salt flats and creosote bushes have a strike pending.
Originally Posted by ss
I may be out your way [kinda] next year. A circuitous route between Lancaster, EAFB, and San Diego. Could prolly fit CLNWC [is that what it's still called?] in too. So if you're still on these boards, I'll mention it then.
don't match. curiously one message from mockery is missing and one message from SS is missing. this was either a very selective data loss issue in the DB or these two jokers are really bad at deleting posts that contain information that they'd like to delete.

none of what you write about me is true, yet people seem to have found a glimmer of truth in all of your bullshit about you.
unfunny try hard post ggs

If you didn't find it funny, write to the Oregonian, they put together that list from a viewer poll. I found it very funny, mostly because public opinion is taking a shit on this story, but partly because when the story first broke, TW's gubment-haters all had little roll-of-certs erections, thinking this was the start of a takeover or something. Now that the "occupation" and those that cheered it at the beginning are getting laughed at, everyone is pretending it was all just a joke from the beginning, which makes it even more funny to me. I have to say, I've enjoyed this thread more than anything in the past couple of years. Rednecks getting laughed at is like watching fat girls slipping and falling on the ice-- I know I'm not a nice person for enjoying it, but I can't help it. :nofu:
my erection was at least as big as a wrigley plen-T-pak and i am quite frankly offended at this comparison to the roll of certs
Can you list these folks for us and maybe link to their posts in this thread? Thanks.


Balls in your court owebama...you handle this with as much empathy and restraint as you BLM bullshit or you might spark a snake you can't get back in your bag

Let's air this shit grievance out before you shovel your next round of nonsensical gun control

Let's talk about your real reasoning for why limiting gun rights to otherwise law abiding citizens, as opposed to the criminals you support, patronize, is your go to solution for everything that possibly ails us today

incoming racist vanster

gonna be epic hillbilly picture posting

No it is on...it is most certainly on

so those are the people that bring u the most tw entertainment? damn maybe u should talk to ur doctor about medication