Republican Debate Round 5: Trump vs Cruz

Was listening to the radio. Host said 3 people are "in" with one wildcard spot left to whoever wins one of the 6 Caucasus starting in February. Trump, Cruz, Rubio. The 4th person needs to win to get in, then there would be 4.
NoGodForMe said:
Meanwhile, you come over to a left wing liberal site, and the author says Bush did a great job.
Winners and losers from the 5th Republican presidential debate - Chicago Tribune
Really? He interrupted Trump and made a fool of himself.

CNN Article also saying Bush did well.
Too little, too late.

But you have to see the world as a leftist....constantly interuppting...whining...and being a cheese dick obstructionist to honest and actual dialogue is progress to them

Jeb was the closest thing they had to one of their candidates being up there so of course they think he did well
Of all the candidates I'm probably most for Rand Paul. Seems the least insane.

Bunch of these dudes at the GOP debate are talking about investing more money to modernize our military -- u fucking srs bro? We're so far ahead of every other country on earth, we could take them all on at once and still win. And these nutjobs want to spend more money making legions of tanks and shit that we don't use?

There's NO NEED for a new fleet of anything. Why? Because we're not fighting conventional wars anymore. All the shit from this point forward is going to be urban counter-terrorist/counter-insurgency style fights. Paying trillions for a new 7th fleet or whatever the fuck is an unconscionable waste of money.

But oh wait, satisfies two needs:
1) Placates the idiots in middle America who are terrified of a land-invasion by... someone.
2) Pays off all the defense companies that are financing the republican (and democratic) lobbyists and super-PACs.

We need to get serious about the nat'l debt and deficit. Even talking about this kind of absurdly wasteful spending makes me sick.
Vermouth the debates are entertaining but didn't you learn from the last 8 years? Not many people did.

Cruz and Rand Paul have direct ties to the establishment.

The only way to know this is by research, and Cruz is probably ineligible for presidency due to citizenship status.
You mean that he was born in Canada, not his citizenship. He's a United States Senator. He's a citizen.

Goddamn, dude.

Now, the first candidate to throw his hat in the ring for the 2016 presidential contest, Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, was born outside the United States, a fact he willingly offered.

Cruz, who was born in Canada, has maintained there are no constitutional barriers that prevent him from running. And so far the challenges to his candidacy are few and far between.

So can Cruz run? He likely can, just as Obama could have even if he were born in Kenya -- which, again, he most certainly wasn’t.


More recently, Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., faced questions about his eligibility because he was born in the Panama Canal Zone while his father was stationed there.

Interestingly, McCain’s potential Democratic opponents — Obama and then-Sen. Hillary Clinton — co-sponsored a Senate measure to settle McCain’s eligibility. The April 2008 resolution said, "John Sidney McCain, III, is a 'natural born Citizen' under Article II, Section 1, of the Constitution of the United States." It passed unanimously.
so for all those birth certificate truthers out there: if owebummer was ineligible because he was born in kenya then ted cruz is ineligible because he was born in canada.

edit: ted cruz was also a canadian citizen up until a few years ago when he renounced his canadian citizenship.
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yea cruz is eligible to be president there's no doubt.

however he'd have to travel exclusively by plane or helicopter everywhere he goes because of all the bridges he's burnt
there will be only one winner, but after careful study of the Trump prophecy, I believe it will be a complicated election