saw ur demos in t2 validuz. t2 is a boring game. i dont judge ppl on demos from 03 04 or whatever tho games evolve just like t1 LT has

but even when i watch the pinacle t2classic 7v7 man matches and rare demos i had to ask scumlords like darkstrand for at one point i am still not impressed by the metagame

and cuz im an asperg that is important to me

quake 1v1 is all metagame + good aim + movement which t1 is too and t2c is too

but quake 3 1v1 and quake 3 cpma mod are different, and i prefer competitive pro mode arena to stock quake 3 physics because its faster etc and i feel takes more skill

these might be little nuances for some (some ppl liked t:a physics and thot it felt "tribes) but for me its not

just like t1 5v5 LT vs 7v7 tc2 (t2c plays rigid and slower even at highest level imo)

worse still u could never even do an LT in t2c cuz its floaty as fuck and the netcode sucks so u cant even disc only chase

let alone 1v1 ctf LT like we do sometimes in t1
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proj started snipin back and we were laffin about it

it was p funny but then i realized proj was livin a lie usin hm2 and ora mod w/ validuz
How long did it take you to realize both him and Darkstrand were cheating? Christ, nap.

There was such a nonstop shitstorm about AurMod (not fucking ora mod, the creator of the hack was Aureole/TheBeav), that I was required to submit demos to admins every single match. Bunch of whiny bitches. I can't count how many demos I had to upload for cheating accusations. As I've said for years, people were accusing us of using "ora mod" before Beav even started programming or looking into hacks. We all thought HM2 was a myth until someone new stumbled across it on some private forum.

The first thing and last thing I did with HM2 was load up the worst, most populated (ike 100 players or something) server I could find and start non-stop sniping 990m out of bounds on some abomination of a Katabatic map. It was absolutely hilarious at the time.

After that though, the enjoyment went down, because we figured if we JUST found this, everyone was using it. It then became a game of "find someone cheating."
saw ur demos in t2 validuz. t2 is a boring game. i dont judge ppl on demos from 03 04 or whatever tho games evolve just like t1 LT has

but even when i watch the pinacle t2classic 7v7 man matches and rare demos i had to ask scumlords like darkstrand for at one point i am still not impressed by the metagame

and cuz im an asperg that is important to me

quake 1v1 is all metagame + good aim + movement which t1 is too and t2c is too

but quake 3 1v1 and quake 3 cpma mod are different, and i prefer competitive pro mode arena to stock quake 3 physics because its faster etc and i feel takes more skill

these might be little nuances for some (some ppl liked t:a physics and thot it felt "tribes) but for me its not

just like t1 5v5 LT vs 7v7 tc2 (t2c plays rigid and slower even at highest level imo)

worse still u could never even do an LT in t2c cuz its floaty as fuck and the netcode sucks so u cant even disc only chase

let alone 1v1 ctf LT like we do sometimes in t1
Yea, I'm not saying T2C is better. I just wasn't ever involved or competitive enough in T1 to have a clue about base competition. I played stupid mods that allowed you to built teleports/walls/turrets/etc, although I hated those "ultra" ones.

They were both fantastic games. T1 and T2C specifically of course. Even as a newb, I knew T2 base was a god damn abomination.

p.s. CPMA was amazing. Much quicker, no/low delay on weapon changes. Brilliant.
Are people still competing in T2? Wtf?

p.s. No small team was better than Aurora in Classic. We were undefeated in all of our arena ladders, 7v7 ctf, and 8v8 sctf. I wish that would've been easier to transfer over to 14-man, but hey, can't win em all.

p.p.s. Wtf happened to TWL? Holy shit I'm out of the loop.
Some retard that got fired from RIM bought TWL (or something along those lines) and tried to take it in a new direction, drvonsock I think was his name. That direction included "premium" forums and a bunch of other completely fucking retarded stuff all trying to get extra $. They deleted T2 forums right away, and comp went along with that. Not that it was "alive", but that was the final nail in the coffin. They thought they could bring back some new TWL that was based around Dirty Bomb and CS:GO only. Unfortunately for them, the new retard in charge had absolutely no clue what he was doing and ran it straight into the fucking ground.
How long did it take you to realize both him and Darkstrand were cheating? Christ, nap.

There was such a nonstop shitstorm about AurMod (not fucking ora mod, the creator of the hack was Aureole/TheBeav), that I was required to submit demos to admins every single match. Bunch of whiny bitches. I can't count how many demos I had to upload for cheating accusations. As I've said for years, people were accusing us of using "ora mod" before Beav even started programming or looking into hacks. We all thought HM2 was a myth until someone new stumbled across it on some private forum.

The first thing and last thing I did with HM2 was load up the worst, most populated (ike 100 players or something) server I could find and start non-stop sniping 990m out of bounds on some abomination of a Katabatic map. It was absolutely hilarious at the time.

After that though, the enjoyment went down, because we figured if we JUST found this, everyone was using it. It then became a game of "find someone cheating."

i knew a lot of ppl who had hm2

i think i had it in 03 or 04 but couldnt figure out how to get anything to work except iff's

i knew the nerdstrand clique hacked but no 1 really cared in like 08
Yea, I'm not saying T2C is better. I just wasn't ever involved or competitive enough in T1 to have a clue about base competition. I played stupid mods that allowed you to built teleports/walls/turrets/etc, although I hated those "ultra" ones.

They were both fantastic games. T1 and T2C specifically of course. Even as a newb, I knew T2 base was a god damn abomination.

p.s. CPMA was amazing. Much quicker, no/low delay on weapon changes. Brilliant.

ew fuck i cant believe im agreeing with validuz for once fuck time to kill myself

i am fine with t2classic doods there r many skilled ppl there (obviously stack n hack ppl actually hacked and failed at stacking)

im just saying from an autist perspective and as some1 that wants to spectate an exciting game t1 LT really is the CPMA of the tribes series quake 3

this was also the argument i made to hirez todd in email and etc and i wish more ppl wuld o well

till then the real tribes "pro" community is gonna be ignored

and rtcll is gonna keep baby raping or whatever the fuck he does in those shit games like t:a where noobies like blitz and doods that have never touched a tribes game but played console Halo and COD (and play just as bad as it sounds) are consider "pro gamers"
and ya validuz if u liked cpma u will love reflex http://reflexfps.net it is actually somehow even better than CPMA was (and all the cpma pros even agree for once it owns) while still being a direct clone with better graphics :p

we have a t1 LT tourney going on right now and the reflex devs gave me some game keys to give away to the winning team or i might do them for player awards like "best t2 turned t1 player" etc

late sign ups r allowed
This right here is the most ridiculous circlejerk :lol:

"T1 was better!" .. "No! T2 was better!" .. "im ze best at trieb!"

Tribes is dead. Get on with your life.
its not a circle jerk u sniveling rat faggot idiot fucking retard noobie

see nash you have no idea about tribes culture

u r a no one on tw and will continue to be

ur like triple

ur a weird fucking fag that somehow sucked enough dick to get mod

now ur in bed with these midair guys cuz ur at home all day and theyre nice enough to talk to ur during day light hours on irc

fuck urself faggot

when rayn removes ur mod he will be doing tw and TRIBES a favor

this is a sign post thread mother fucker. ppl will read this. if they remotely take anything ive said seriously then i did tribes some good.

cuz im sick of our series turning out noobie friendly dumbed down shit fest games.
This right here is the most ridiculous circlejerk :lol:

"T1 was better!" .. "No! T2 was better!" .. "im ze best at trieb!"

Tribes is dead. Get on with your life.

It isn't remotely a circle jerk, nor are people beating their chests about the games. Did you read the thread? You're categorically wrong.
This right here is the most ridiculous circlejerk :lol:

"T1 was better!" .. "No! T2 was better!" .. "im ze best at trieb!"

Tribes is dead. Get on with your life.

You never even played the game your the last person to speak a single word of authority about anything.

Nash seriously don't enter areas your completely and utterly clueless about.
This right here is the most ridiculous circlejerk :lol:

"T1 was better!" .. "No! T2 was better!" .. "im ze best at trieb!"

Tribes is dead. Get on with your life.
You're literally an admin for a website called "tribalwar.com"

Step back and realize that for a second

tribes is dead so i will spend my time moderating a fan made form about it.. wtf is this nonsense

but i will not condone tribes content only jews bringing down wholesome aryan culture maybe nash diversify and rant about blacks for change of pace
why does everyone that gets caught cheating in games "only did it once" and "only wanted to try to see what it was like"

Well at least the weapon model is not huge, they are off to a good start. :)

*blows brains out*