[Official] Hearthstone

salvage all and make dr balanced

i had dust left over to craft him so it was all good
he cray
(i bought a couple 40 packs vanilla once while inebriated)

when i think about it hearthstone is probably the game ive spent most money on in my life
and i dont even play it regularly.

fuk u blizzard
ya their model for hearthstone is really good. once i realized i spent $60 or $70 then i stop buying shit

pry why all their games going forward will have so many microtransactions
its amazing how many faggots straight up bought the blackcock shit for 25$... like 4 of 5 everyone i play against has that cardback.

#1 way to success is to exploit retards
fuck off. i got it cause i dont want to save up my gold grinding out dailys like i did for the GVG. i like doing my dailys and opening a pack or two every other day.

i just think you got a random coincidence because i have only played like 3 guys who had it since the back came out.
its amazing how many faggots straight up bought the blackcock shit for 25$... like 4 of 5 everyone i play against has that cardback.

#1 way to success is to exploit retards

I have been absolutely shocked by that as well.

That blackcock cardback blows anus hair too.
hs now available on phones... nice interface and runs faster on my galaxy s5 than my ipad3 wtf.

finally something to play during meetings... on the rare occasion i go to work for one lol
So Happy, remember that face hunter that raped me today in arena when I had a bad draw?

He was the only one that got a piece of me apparently.


I'm about to get my first 12 win run ever in GvG.

I got 3 12 win runs before, but ever since the game shifted post-GvG it's been really tough for me to win as much as before. I felt it was all the RnG, but now I feel I just hadn't quite got the hang of things yet.

The two runs before this were 7 win runs, so I felt like I was really getting somewhere, and then bam... This deck just can't lose.

It's crazy how powerless people are against this thing.

I will post the 11-12 win goodies when I have time to play my last game...
So I finished 12-1...

I didn't get the best loot. The roll on one of the bags of gold is 20-185, and I got 30. lol

However, the non-golden epic is a slightly above average reward, and I really needed that ancient of lore, as I had none, so that was lovely.


In the packs, I got an Echo of Midevh thingy, and an unstable portal.
2 epix? not bad. i wonder if the roll on 12 win if 1 of those is a card, that its an epic at minimum.

that hunter game was so unlucky... wonder how far he got with it tho.

also blizzard is so dum for keeping the "screenshot saved to desktop" part saved in the screenshot lol
so i just downloaded this and played it yesterday. Without reading 36 pages what do i need to know? Keep in mind the only card game i ever played was the Star Wars one and it was for 3 minutes..
1. dont spaz over others having legendaries... some of the best decks have 0 legendaries 0 epix
2. when you do quests, only do the 40gold ones if you have 3 40g quests and no rerolls (x button).
3. always spend gold on arena, not packs... or in your case, save it for the solo adventure stuff (naxx and blackcocks)
4. play ranked, but dont tryhard it
1. dont spaz over others having legendaries... some of the best decks have 0 legendaries 0 epix
2. when you do quests, only do the 40gold ones if you have 3 40g quests and no rerolls (x button).
3. always spend gold on arena, not packs... or in your case, save it for the solo adventure stuff (naxx and blackcocks)
4. play ranked, but dont tryhard it

what "best decks" have 0 legendaries/epics? honest question.
agree with the rest, especially ranked play. getting top 5 or legendary is just a huge grind imo and not really worth the effort.
face huntard for starters... mechmage is also mostly basic shit

and some of the best legendaries are available through naxx/blackcock.