Please fix 1.41 or remove it Mav I beg you.

If you're mad at the way it has been received I can understand that. The work is surely appreciated by some. But man, you really need to work on the marketing end. Now you're calling me a cheater. You're on fire...

To be honest, I haven't noticed anything that's blown my mind as far as cheats affecting the game. That's mostly why I'm taking an apathetic approach towards it. I suppose if I saw some more blatant hacking going on I'd be more inclined to help promote with you. Like I said, I'm happy to use your 1.41 and I'm sure most others are as well. But stop trying to ask people to download it and just force them to. That way, anyone who's in the server is guaranteed to not have any cheats, unless of course there's yet another bypass.
milkmam its not about proving 2 opsayo u rnt cheating, its about letting other players know u r definitely not a hacker.

~ god bless namaste ~

I get that, but I'm too old to give a shit. I've been accused of hacking so many times my give-a-fuck-o-meter was tossed out a long time ago.

BTW, if we get down to it, I believe not allowing players to adjust their internet settings is a bigger hack than allowing it. Talk about unlevelling the playing field.

But whatever, I maintain just fine with or w/o polate
y didnt we ever think of kicking people

do u have any more ground breaking ideas

i used to think you were genuinely just this redneck backwater retard that didnt get it

but now i think youre being purposefully disingenuous to fight for ur right to see people thru walls

this is like gimli last night arguing that happyflag is totally chill

and the only reason i havent upped and just wiped everything and walked away is that i kno the people i hate would be happy with that and the people in this game that are cool would be hurt by that

and proving you and some other low iq idiots wrong ("nobody cheats i swear") isnt worth that

and this isnt just referring to people that used to cheat, because i know there were some good people that cheated only because they felt that everyone else was

do u know how often i deal with ppl like you telling me "nobody cheats" or "i dont cheat why do i need it" or "you wrote this so you could be the only one with a bypass"

i dont understand how u people tie your shoes
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I never said to kick people. I said have the server force people into observer with an on screen message telling them where they can get the updated tribes.

Again, you're proving terrible at implementing this on a couple levels. The best part is you just toss out insults and accusations as if the way to get this ball rolling is to belittle people into downloading. Did this amazing strategy come to you in a dream?
please dont be mad

i think happymod stills works on arghs

the only reason implementing anything is difficult is because of people like you making arguments like these

if downloading a file and putting it in a folder wasn't so hard for you this could have worked 2 years ago
and honestly im just trying to do a positive thing for the game and its boggling how difficult a grown adult can be for no reason at all

i do fuck up a lot and i try to fix things where i can but im not as smart as the other tribes coders but i am trying. would there have been less bumps if someone smarter than me were doing this stuff? yeah absolutely but i've asked and the people who are able busy / uninterested (try ask them, im sure they have stories of me bugging them endlessly). happymod was straight everywhere for at least 1-2 years? you even got (falsely?) banned because someone accused you of cheating on hildebrand. then an anticheat comes out and instead of supporting it you act like a child. this kind of shit was made for the falsely accused like you. this would be like an innocent man on death row arguing against dna testing

do you not remember how many little things we've tried to get to where we are now? i say we because its not just me, i ask a lot of people behind the scenes what we should do and what they think. remember when mj released some plugin that also crashed happymod and i remember pm'ing stork right away thinking "we might be able to use this as an anticheat", and we called it "happymod crasher".

i even added the "standout" awards at the bottom of the stats page and only award them to 1.41 users as an incentive to slowly ease people into trying it since forcing people to switch failed miserably multiple times

i had faith in the community when 1.40 got released because i remember telling people "cheats are possible, but i believe that nobody would leak them purposefully"

then i had faith in the community when 1.41 came out because i thought 1.40 users would adopt it happily, but i was wrong there too. then i thought for sure people with common sense would say "ok so if people in yellow are running an anticheat, then we shouldn't pick the people in white to play" - but that kind of logic was apparently expecting too much.

im no hero and i dont care if you dont appreciate my shit half-assed efforts but its tiring when all it takes from you is a download and you instead cause problems just for the sake of it

i know in your mind you think "it would be so easy and work in one try if you just did ____" but it doesnt work that way
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y didnt we ever think of kicking people

do u have any more ground breaking ideas

i used to think you were genuinely just this redneck backwater retard that didnt get it

but now i think youre being purposefully disingenuous to fight for ur right to see people thru walls

this is like gimli last night arguing that happyflag is totally chill

and the only reason i havent upped and just wiped everything and walked away is that i kno the people i hate would be happy with that and the people in this game that are cool would be hurt by that

and proving you and some other low iq idiots wrong ("nobody cheats i swear") isnt worth that

and this isnt just referring to people that used to cheat, because i know there were some good people that cheated only because they felt that everyone else was

do u know how often i deal with ppl like you telling me "nobody cheats" or "i dont cheat why do i need it" or "you wrote this so you could be the only one with a bypass"

i dont understand how u people tie your shoes
tbpfh(2 b perfect fukkin honest) mun wunder how u stand uprite wit dat thawts LOL
ukno if u guyz wud just get betta at dis fukkin game u wudnt needa keep moduhfyin da fukkin exe

holllyyyyyyyy fukkkkkkkkk
I get all that ops, truly I do. You've put your time and effort into this and you want it to be accepted and embraced by the remaining community. But for the apathetic, especially on this particular issue, forceful implementation is just the way it's going to have to be. If you can't see that then let me be your eyes. Simply suggesting people download it WILL NOT work. Stop wasting your time and just do what I said if you're that hellbent on getting this going. Force people into observer if they're not running 1.41 and direct them to where to get the goods.

The apathy for me comes from the countless attempts (all failed ones mind you) to implement an "anticheat". It's kinda laughable at this point. I can damn near guarantee there's already a bypass for this and if there's not it's just a short matter of time before we're right back to this same conversation, again.

The only hack I've ever been truly concerned with is AA, and that's never really been an issue in this community. So yes, I'm apathetic, and as a lesson to you, you can expect a lot more people to feel the same way, which is why I keep reiterating you'll need to force the issue rather than expect volunteers.

I've been running your 1.41 btw. It definitely feels different but it's not bad.