The Sexodus: Men Giving Up on Women. . .


Veteran XX
this is a rather long article but its really worth the 10 minutes of reading. i am sure it will make Muk pissed off but what is happening to males in the western world should be a cause for alarm. there are a lot of links to follow within the article if one wants to read more.

i am only posting the first few paragraphs.


"My generation of boys is f**ked," says Rupert, a young German video game enthusiast I've been getting to know over the past few months. "Marriage is dead. Divorce means you're screwed for life. Women have given up on monogamy, which makes them uninteresting to us for any serious relationship or raising a family. That's just the way it is. Even if we take the risk, chances are the kids won't be ours. In France, we even have to pay for the kids a wife has through adulterous affairs.

"In school, boys are screwed over time and again. Schools are engineered for women. In the US, they force-feed boys Ritalin like Skittles to shut them up. And while girls are favoured to fulfil quotas, men are slipping into distant second place.

"Nobody in my generation believes they're going to get a meaningful retirement. We have a third or a quarter of the wealth previous generations had, and everyone's fleeing to higher education to stave off unemployment and poverty because there are no jobs.

"All that wouldn't be so bad if we could at least dull the pain with girls. But we're treated like paedophiles and potential rapists just for showing interest. My generation are the beautiful ones," he sighs, referring to a 1960s experiment on mice that supposedly predicted a grim future for the human race.

After overpopulation ran out of control, the female mice in John Calhoun's "mouse universe" experiment stopped breeding, and the male mice withdrew from the company of others entirely, eating, sleeping, feeding and grooming themselves but doing little else. They had shiny coats, but empty lives.
"The parallels are astounding," says Rupert.
[read rest at the link]

sadly, i know quite a few younger males that feel exactly this way.
Yeah, it's happening to me right now. Try to show affection and they say rape. Guys only get sex when the girl is in the mood or they want something.
kinda how i feel a lot of the time.
took me a long time to realize all the advice i've been told about women is WRONG WRONG WRONG.
you ever want to get laid you need to be throw all that shit out the window.

i fucking hate trying to meet people.
wet the hole
Back in the day. Now I don't even bother. I just go to bed and call it a night. Not only are they total bitches, but they tell their friends everything. That's probably part of it. Anything you do is told to all their friends by phone or text messages.
ramatakahn thinks that shit is a JOKE son

angry joe serious
watch tower real
but this shit is a joke

but then again what would a RamataKahn sexodus look like exactly?


probably a lot like his current non-existant sex life

you know you are getting old when you see a stunning young female and instead of wanting to knock the bottom out of her.......

u think about how much of a colossal pain in the ass that bitch must be.

how many endless hours of shitty nagging and $$$ it would take to make your interaction worthwhile.
i wonder how many people have come to the conclusion that prostitution is far cheaper than marriage?

that's why women get so mad about strip clubs....sluts....they know it is like watching a scab cross a picket line. they are looking for a long term, locked in contracts....with pensions, free housing, petty cash boxes, and full health care bennies 4 life.

guys are looking for hourly workers...that actually do something worth what they are paying out.