Racist imbeciles are from real life Bumfuck, Virginia. Why would anyone expect them to know any better. It's like a warmer version of Finland.
lol ur a fukin retard, your company doesnt give a shit about your freedom of speech and no court gives a fuck for anyone fired for saying racist shit.

And at-will employment.

I find it slightly amusing that the people who consistently rally against worker rights and protections suddenly want worker protections.
i think the closest thing ive ever done to this is email tehvuls web host convincing them that hes a drug dealer that falsified his registration info

i mean the address he registered tehvul.net with was the FBI field office in san francisco
some of the examples are mind bottling...one guy is up there for questioning the point or rioting over a guy that attacked a police officer.

goes to show you the mindset out there...disagree with me? you're racist.

don't like Obama? you're racist.
Why not go after the jobs of the people who are looting, burning buildings down and destroying their community if he's so concerned about justice?
Because then you're called a racist. It's called a "Double Standard" where blacks can be racist, but even the slightest mistake by whites, and you're supposed to lose your job. If you have a big company you're supposed to lose all your money in the name of "justice." Blacks like to use that word a lot, it's another term for "I'm playing the double standard."

Whites are getting tired of it. People like Rush, Hannity, and people on TW are pointing it out. So why isn't Rush and Hannity fired? Because they speak in a way that tells the truth. As I keep saying, it recently happened to Rudy Giuliani.

He was called a racist in the left wing media, yet everything he said is the same thing Obama said.
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yea that's pretty out of order

stereotyping is only ok if u r stereotyping minorities

You mean the 'minorities' that are 93% of the world's population and who keep coming to White nations even though we horribly oppress them?
The only difference between coombz and racists is that he has the ability and luxury of loving his blacks from a distance.

That guy definitely has a very distorted grip on reality... not sure if he edges out icfire, dealy, dare, blackpeople, etc. U know, the TW dregs of humanity.

If anything, he's your typical statist that thinks anyone who doesnt have the same opinion MUST be racist. Freedom of speech is great -as long as he agrees with it. :lol:

I wonder what they do to help the minorities they allegedly champion? I doubt any of them volunteer their time. The only extremists here that would is most likely Muk and Vanster.

Anyway, people should realize that in this day and age, anything you say publicly will be used against you. This place is no exception, but at least Rayn doesnt take the info and threaten peoples' livelihoods. Would opinions would change if he were far right and used posts from lefties here to get them fired?
