Negro blows into a cow's asshole to increase milk production

Advocating and encouraging illegal activity is not protected. Read a book.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
So, you think that means you can say whatever you want wherever you want? What about Libel or Slander? I thought you of all people would know what is and what is not protected speech. You can't put a bounty on someones head or a particular group of people.

What you can do is criticize your government without fear of repercussion, but you can not threaten the presidents life.
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it's a matter of interpretation.


I'm pretty sure we don't have any free speech anymore anyways. yelling fire in a crowded movie theater is the least of our worries now.
So, you think that means you can say whatever you want wherever you want? What about Libel or Slander? I thought you of all people would know what is and what is not protected speech. You can't put a bounty on someones head or a particular group of people.

What you can do is criticize your government without fear of repercussion, but you can not threaten the presidents life.

Who "threatened" anyone? Read it again. And pick it apart lawyer. You must think you are one. A pretty piss poor one at that.
insinuation that I did or said anything that you claimed I did do or say is..insinuation and THAT is LIBEL

By the actual definition of the word Libel - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary
you are not clever. I See your insinuation of the whole subject and I would be surprised that you may have the intelligence to even make an infernece.
Lol, buy some ad space in a local newspaper and put your post in the paper, tell me how it works out for you.

damn..hearing more and more about this crap and not just in the shithole UK

In Britain, hundreds of people are prosecuted each year for posts, tweets, texts and emails deemed menacing, indecent, offensive or obscene, and the number is growing as our online lives expand.

Twitter, Facebook Rants Get Some Arrested In U.K.

Groove brought up Byron Sonne in another thread....

Byron Sonne walks free, but the G20 forever changed his life | Toronto Star

apparently this is becoming the new norm I'm afraid.

only people not being tossed under the buss these days are government provocateurs it seems.
Could not tell the gender of the ass blower, but I've seen "she" a few times so I must assume that was a female blowing air into that cows asshole.

I think shes actually blowing into the vagina to trick the cow into believing its pregnant. Kind of amazing ancient science. Sure, should they use a device rather than their mouths? Probably.