list of ppl "nexted" from tw

I don't understand how i was 'nexted'. you put my 15 year old handle into google then congratulated yourself when you found old posts from other forums. Kinda disappointed really, no original content was created (like robbing fufu hahah, or the fourstar song). so gj?
revnight u fukin suck

also rayan i m out of town this weekend so plz take care of b0t 4 me in sub gamin form or give my friend kittycat admin of sub form 2 handle the bots

i run data table purge last nite and we r good 4 a couple of day :)
We do run a few nightly jobs between 3am - 5am EST that typically take the site to a point where the forum stops working intermittently because I am running massive queries on the post table for stats but I don't think they would present in the manner you are talking about.
dang we r missing out on so much great content

Remember that time you got nexted? Pepperidge farms remembers.

I never supported nexting I never nexted anyone on that list directly and odio ur pics and info our out too. This is just asking do you actually miss any of those posters?
The really shitty people/posters was what made the site entertaining. I mostly came to TW for the Jerry Springer-style cesspool drama.

Take that away and you're just left with a bunch of people giggling at each others' fake broken English.