Dear Climate Change Deniers

What, if I save Africa do I get the hot chick?

Last episode of Cosmos was Sunday night. Talked about a scientist who predicted things 30 years before they were proven true. Basically saying science doesn't have to be correct the first time, it's left open for further proof. Also talked about our recorded history in Egypt, biggest library at the time. So there, one good thing they did many years ago. Not much since, a bunch of terrorists who want to destroy the pyramids.

This is the clip where they talk about CO2 emissions.

There were more than one instances where classical knowledge that had been lost during the dark ages in europe was 'rediscovered' in the libraries and collections found in islamic countries. I guess its our turn to do the same till they emerge from their dark age.
There were more than one instances where classical knowledge that had been lost during the dark ages in europe was 'rediscovered' in the libraries and collections found in islamic countries. I guess its our turn to do the same till they emerge from their dark age.

Correct, they even mention this on Space Ship Earth at Epcot, that the earliest library was destroyed, but there was a back up copy. History of today is basically stored in the Wiki. Really sad to hear all this great stuff that happened in Egypt years ago, but now they're total animals. Haven't progressed much, even with all the money from oil and tourism.
icfire types VOLCANO into search and gets "related"

volcano in congo related to volcano in antarctica because they both volcano

it's akin to you typing "climate change bullshit" and SHAZAM!: there's your list of sources, a squizillion of them, 99% of them links to weblogs, some of them written by people that have a high school degree, just like Tehvul. Most are proud to say they have been home-schooled, and I have no trouble in deducing why you claim Cliven Bundy as a hero.

Ok Rush and his drug addictions aside, your problem is with the site? You've never really stated what that problem was. I think that even once you state your problem, you're basically saying that you're trying to fight with the universe, and the universe is wrong because your religious muse is perfect or something.

The problem with your stance is that the universe really doesn't give a shit about your religion. Nature doesn't care what you understand and what you don't, and she will reveal herself to us as she is--not what you hope. We've had 4,000 people scale Everest and look out over the world, and still have people like Togo call it fiction.

Science doesn't ask for your worries, it only asks for your senses. Faith asks the opposite.


p.s. sorry I have math-kids coming here today and had time to wax. Suck it.
it's akin to you typing "climate change bullshit" and SHAZAM!: there's your list of sources, a squizillion of them, 99% of them links to weblogs, some of them written by people that have a high school degree, just like Tehvul. Most are proud to say they have been home-schooled, and I have no trouble in deducing why you claim Cliven Bundy as a hero.

Ok Rush and his drug addictions aside, your problem is with the site? You've never really stated what that problem was. I think that even once you state your problem, you're basically saying that you're trying to fight with the universe, and the universe is wrong because your religious muse is perfect or something.

The problem with your stance is that the universe really doesn't give a shit about your religion. Nature doesn't care what you understand and what you don't, and she will reveal herself to us as she is--not what you hope. We've had 4,000 people scale Everest and look out over the world, and still have people like Togo call it fiction.

Science doesn't ask for your worries, it only asks for your senses. Faith asks the opposite.


p.s. sorry I have math-kids coming here today and had time to wax. Suck it.

What contribution do volcanoes have to the melting of the Antarctic ice sheet?

Don't agree with Vanster? You must be religious, a member of the Tea Party, and listen to Rush. I have zero posts in the "Clive Bundy" thread yet he's a hero to me. LMFAO
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if you think all the peer-reviewed reports and research is complete bullshit

When did I ever say that? Do you know what contribution volcanoes have to the melting of Antarctic ice? Is it a non-factor? It's all AGW? I deny being a part of any of those groups yet rather than speak about the volcanoes you claim that I'm a liar. Typical shit for brains response from you.

Lemon do you think there is a vast conspiracy among climate scientists to falsify climate data?

When did I ever say that? Do you know what contribution volcanoes have to the melting of Antarctic ice? Is it a non-factor? It's all AGW? I deny being a part of any of those groups yet rather than speak about the volcanoes you claim that I'm a liar. Typical shit for brains response from you.

i was making a general comment. that's all.

i don't know about the volcano report linked on the other page, haven't read it yet.

i didn't call you a liar.

though i have said you're lazy once or twice.
typical detox response

a "general comment"

doesn't read the information I refer to yet calls me lazy
It's amusing how all these clowns (ICFire, Vanster, Dealy, Detox, etc.) wrap every person that has ever disagreed with them into seemingly one person with one viewpoint. If you question or disagree with one point you've disagreed with them all in their minds.

ME: What contribution do volcanoes have to Antarctic ice melt?
