[Official] Hearthstone

the imp change nerfs the lock zerg build but favors larger creature play. its also a buff so if imp dies the units keep the hp.

warsong command should just be cheaper by 1 if they insist on that change
so is this shit just never going open beta ??

give me a key so i can play pokemons bros

jsut opt in it is basically an open beta. they already announced that if you opt in then you get one :shrug: i was way late to this game because i thought i had opted in a long time ago and just never got invited... then i checked my bnet account opted in and got a invite fast.
Some of those changes... I don't even.

I feel bad for the Warriors who weren't OTK fagbags. I guess the redeeming thing about the Warsong Commander, is that it might survive more than 1 turn, now that it isn't such a massive threat.

edit: I don't know about that Blood Imp potential. Having two on the board at the same time now is probably just a waste because you definitely don't want those imps to be the target of the buff. And it seems like they can/will be AoE'd down super easy. Could be hard to get buff stacking more than a few turns.

how would the warsong commander affect the raging worgen though. worgen is a 3/3 with a +atk and windfury enrage.

the alternative to the molten giant otk would be to drop warsong and worgen, inner rage x2 the worgen and then faceless manipulator it. You don't need to drop your hp to dangerous levels for this to work and is actually easier and cheesier.

will the worgen still have charge after inner rage?
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i watch the husky broadcast of hearthstone tournament and game look kinda fun but mage look way OP and shitty
"Welcome to the Hearthstone™: Heroes of Warcraft™ closed beta test! We're thrilled to have you join us! In case you missed the original email, we have now flagged your account with access to the Hearthstone beta. Just log in to your Battle.net account to download the game client. You can also click the link below:"

God damn nerds playing this game. ok what do i do?
1. beat the AI
2. visit reddit
3. copy best mage deck
4. be hearthstone champion
5. races = breeds
go to hearthhead or hearthpwn and copy some basic decks.

learn to play some basic decks.

spend $1000 on like 800 packs.

copy some rank 1 deck.

laugh at noobs because of your skill.

don't forget to blame rng in case of a loss.
but srsly go to hearthhead or hearthpwn and copy basic decks and learn to play from there. i started not long ago and am hovering around rank 14-16. i still suck

edit: also, go beat every class on AI. then get lvl 10
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