[Official] Hearthstone

the reason anyone would defend mtg is on the "more pro" argument based entirely on the total number of cards, the rules, mana, rules, and history.

problem with that is most cards are banned otherwise theyd be imbalanced with the current expansion or if they are allowed its basically richest nerd wins. having a more complex mana system, phases, and rules doesnt really add to the strategy, theyre just a nuisance. and the history argument is just a classic bias.

what makes a good card game is flexibility and variety. granted there is somewhat of a meta among the top players with HS but its just getting started.

the other advantage of a pure digital CCG is they can simply change imbalanced cards... as opposed to a traditional one which has to ban them. which pisses off collectors.

one thing i wish HS did have is an option for a sideboard... allowing counterplay to specific classes.

its almost like arguing lol vs dota :D
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sacrificial pact should be a sacrifice aka "your demon"

if bliz intended cards to directly counter specific classes theyd make more of them. look at all hunter beast cards... theyre all "your" beasts.

still funny u can do this... maybe ill roll that shit card in my deck for mirror matches since there are so many locks (or vs priests using my cards)

In the early beta, hunters did scale off opponent's pets. Scavenging Hyena would gain 2/1 whenever ANY beast died. But that kind of card would get really out of hand.

The same type of nerf was given to Battle Rage. Warriors used to be able to draw a card for every damaged unit, including enemy hero.

Sacrificial Pact is simply a removal card. It doesn't scale out of control, because it's a spell that's cast once, and on a very specific race type. It's also the only removal card that even applies to Lord Jaraxxus. Every other legendary can be removed once played, why shouldn't he?

Sac Pact doesn't really counter the warlock class, it counters a demon. Just like an Ooze counters a weapon. A Flare counters Secrets/Stealth. Etc.
It's so awesome being pounded for months with information, news, and highlights for a game that I cannot play.

I received keys on all three accounts that I opted in on. I used one for myself, gave one to a friend, and gave the other one away in chat on some dude's Twitch stream. You should have messaged me dude.
i had to explain this to happy about 8 times and he still posts here about it :shrug:

watch bliz will change it... and then!!!...

I have no doubt Blizz will change everything. 1 year from now, nothing will remain as it is.

They've addressed it as WAI, but no doubt there will be a post eventually explaining how it caused the game to be not fun for people who were losing, so they made a change.
well ill just abuse this for now... given all the warlock opponents i get.

i dont really care otherwise. my real wishlist for this game is:
1. rework arena card selection
2. add option for a sideboard
3. spectator mode