Then how me a dog learned English?

It just strikes me as pretentious and cunty, having to declare yourself as an athiest in polite conversation on what was essentially a meaningless question without some backhanded agenda

It's like if you ask somebody, "Would you like a steak?" and instead of saying "Oh no thanks" they say "Oh, no, you know I can't actually because I'm a vegan and we don't believe in....."

There was absolutely no reason for her to mention that she was an athiest, except as a pretentious little cunty jab. A non-awkward social person would just nod and say oh yeah for sure and move on with their life - unless they're a loser nerdvirgin who needs to get attention and constantly tell people about whatever edgy belief they hold

Did you even watch the clip? He asked her twice. The first time she dropped her head and tried to ignore it, but then he saw that and came straight back "Do you thank the lord?". What a cunt, he could see she was uneasy about it. If he'd left it at asking once this wouldn't be news and you wouldn't have to spend so much time effort posting.
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CNN wasn't trying to out her as an Atheist with the question.... quite the opposite; they were pandering to the viewers by working the lord into a news coverage.

And no, you can't just give a "no thanks" to a "did you thank the lord" question. Because by answering "No" you're acknowledging that there is a god, but you intentionally aren't grateful towards it. So yes, it was a loaded question. And yes, it was agenda driven, but not towards the women.
I'm pretty sure any non-retard non-nerd not-socially-awkward-loser can tell the reporter wasn't trying to make the woman admit to a secret agenda believing in God for the purpose of pushing God over the media

like jesus christ how sheltered are you nerds to think that everyone in the world is out to get you

I'm pretty sure any non-retard non-nerd not-socially-awkward-loser could tell that the woman was obviously shy about answering the question. Not because she is shy about being an atheist, but she realized that he had backed her into a corner where the only way to answer was to deny or affirm belief in god.

She could have said "I am very thankful" but of course she is, she's fucking alive and so is her baby and husband. It still doesn't answer the question and everyone would know the obvious implication anyway. Likely Mr. Star Reporter would have kept digging after all the crap about being blessed.

He could have asked "what are you thankful for right now" and she could have said "my life, my family, etc." and if she was religious she could have included god. But instead he forced her to answer whether or not she believed god was at the helm of her and her family's well-being.
It just strikes me as pretentious and cunty, having to declare yourself as an athiest in polite conversation on what was essentially a meaningless question without some backhanded agenda

It's like if you ask somebody, "Would you like a steak?" and instead of saying "Oh no thanks" they say "Oh, no, you know I can't actually because I'm a vegan and we don't believe in....."

There was absolutely no reason for her to mention that she was an athiest, except as a pretentious little cunty jab. A non-awkward social person would just nod and say oh yeah for sure and move on with their life - unless they're a loser nerdvirgin who needs to get attention and constantly tell people about whatever edgy belief they hold

1) there's no such thing as polite conversation with wolf blitzer while the cameras are rolling.

2) you sound butt hurt. why does atheism offend you so much?
yeah I only watched like 3s of the video

my point still stands

preachy athiest cunts be preachy athiest cunts