free disk

i think what happen was u juss kinda set disk to 'bant'

and then later u juss forget that u ever did it in the first place

didn't place the ban don't remember what happened
think he was spamming nws on people's walls and making mods do a lot of work cleaning it up, major pain in the ass.

just noticed lately he's been making tons of new accounts that come back and make angry posts and then people say 'ben little posted in this thread' but really its disk.
I could rage and Rayn might bring him back but I'm not sure there would be enough people who care enough to fuel the rage fire. Seriously the prick was posting horse blowjob pictures. Good riddance.
I'm just getting warming up for my 12/21/12 apocalyptic rage thread. It very well might end in a forever banning. 1 week. The end is near.