Happy Fathers Day Dweasel!

hey thanks for getting in contact with local law enforcement for trivial matters mostly concocted by your sick brain.

next time try not to call the Kapos of the ghetto yard to solve your trivial issues.

i hope they realize ur still ill and need to be put away once you finish describing your paranoid fantasy

I honestly wish that I made up the fact Dweasel is a pedophile. Then maybe my sister wouldn't be so shattered...

EDIT: The Detective called me back. Dweasel is fucked most proper. Every dog has his day and that is one bitch that is getting what he deserves.
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My cause is a righteous one. Your opinion matters zero...

NO. You are just butt hurt (lol. Power bottom). You need attention and you will do what ever it takes to get it. No need to post your dysfunctional family shit here. You think this is "Original". Why now? why not when you first found out he wasn't registered.

Like I said "35 years old and on top of nothing but your shoes"
I fight to protect children and you fight me. Classic TW...

No... If this was true you would have done it along time ago. How can you protect children? when you cant even protect your own kids...Not to mention you lived with him, knowing he was a child molester.
No... If this was true you would have done it along time ago. How can you protect children? when you cant even protect your own kids...Not to mention you lived with him, knowing he was a child molester.

Like Imma worry about putting his ass in jail, where he belongs, before I get my own affairs in order. :lol:

It's not for you to understand my methods. Only the worthy have a right to know the truth. You are profane so...I will say this to you Deuse. Look at your little girl. Revel in the beauty you created, because soon she will become ash along with the majority of the people on this little planet we call Earth.

is this another boast thread where none of it comes to fruition?
i think so.

I have $500.00 USD saying that I am right and you are wrong. You can put your money where your mouth is, show me your tits, or stfu...
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While I am waiting for the cop to call me back did I ever tell you all about the time in California when Dweasel got caught fucking our 16 year old babysitter and he ran off to Mexico?

i haven't heard that one, do tell.

we pretend we do not care, but every thread of yours goes to double digit pages. if he is truly the pedophile you claim him to be, then I have no problem you outing him. I have not seen anything from dweasal to make me believe you are lying, but i know it is possible.

honestly, if i was either one of you, i would cut my internet connection and try to live a quiet low profile life and forget either one of you exist.
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i haven't heard that one, do tell.

Dweasel, my mom, me, and my two sisters lived in San Diego back in the day. He worked, for once, as did my mom so they hired a 16 year old girl by the name of Mindy to babysit us.

Dweasel got home before my mom one day and ended up fucking the sitter. She told my mom what had happened. My mom called the police. By the time the the police got to our place Dweasel had already left to Tijuana, Mexico.

He was on the run there for a week or so till my mom tricked him into coming back to the states where he was promptly arrested for having sex with a minor.

He went to jail. Got released, and continued his pedophilia rape spree like he does to this very day.

Dweasel is a threat to children and no matter what any of you say I will not rest until he is a registered sex offender. At least that way the community knows that there is a child predator in their midst.

The detective I had a heart to heart with agreed with me that Dweasel had fallen in the cracks of the paper work process and assured me he was going to see to it that error gets corrected asap.
For about a month, you were actually semi normal Tehvul. For TW standards. People were responding to you in a respectful manner. You have, in the last little while though gone back to your old bullsittery. That's sad. You had an opportunity and you've blown it. Like you blow dudes. Seriously sad.
For about a month, you were actually semi normal Tehvul. For TW standards. People were responding to you in a respectful manner. You have, in the last little while though gone back to your old bullsittery. That's sad. You had an opportunity and you've blown it. Like you blow dudes. Seriously sad.

You seem to be under the impression that I care about respect from TW. I have respect from various people I know in RL and I'm good with that. I come to TW for 3 reasons and I am sure those reasons are not the same reasons that the rest of you have.

While TW is basically the only forum left that understands free speech (respect to TW for that) there are others out there that I frequent.

Bottom line is. I know what I am doing. Do any of you??
Perhaps my life isn't so bad after all.

Assuredly it isn't.

I kinda don't have a life. Kinda.

Dad's a handful. ( Thank god Tehvul is not around. He super :nuts:)

Like just now, me younger bro. ( Think "Sid" from Tom Sawyer ) come over.

How come Dad doesn't have nice clothes? > :huh: ( he does )
Look at the way this house is ....... :nag: :nag: :nag:

He ... "You know, you can be reported to Adult Protection services" >
Have you taken him to the Dr.

Me. "Look, you are NOT my inquisitor! :ofn:
You don't KNOW how he is."

Adult Protective Services? :huh:

Please call them...... I dare you. :razz:
They have been over 3 times. ( They have told me .... He's quite feisty)

He ... "They've been over already? How many times?
Who called them.

You don't do nothing." :nag:

Me .... "I am glad you are taking an interest, I welcome it.
It would be wonderful if you would step up and watch over him
for a week or two."

See, Mofo waits till I conk out .

And the VANDELS are loose!
Last night.... he fucked up the handle on the commode.
He couldn't get the tank top off. I used Gorilla tape to prevent him.
I fixed the kitchen window screen last night.
( from the inside..... Take off the burglar bars by my self???)
He ripped it .... to shoo the flies out. He leaves doors open.

So "punk ass Roy" bitching..... :shrug:

I guess it would be kinda nice ..... to not have to be on continuous overwatch.

See I took him to the DR. (Got him antibiotics anna "sleep aids.)
He hurt his big toe nail ( kicking the doors about a month ago)
In the middle of the night

I sez to dem maybe he has a mild form of DEMENTIA ?
I detect no symptoms of "old timers" ( Like whadda I know. )

They q's him ....... no convers. onna that subj.

Pop's bored. Fucks up things.
Gets mad anna tells me
"Get the fuck outta my house. I can do what the hell I want.
I'm gonna call the police on you and force you out."

I pick up phone, call PoPo .... anna tells him..... "Go for it"
He looks at me anna hangs up the ph.
Da popo used to drive by during "dog watch" anna told his monkey ass to get inside. :lol:

Nah boy, yer life's not so bad.

Given the circumstances .... mine's not that that bad.
Got's food to eat, place to stay, a lil truck,money to manage.

My mommy anna my daddy love me.
Angie gone > Yeah, she loves me. She called me tday. Just to talk.
But da dope??? :doom:
She toooooooo far gone. :(

I told her, "I have done all I can , no more... the rest is up to you."

Anna less see iffa Roy takes Da to the Fam. BBQ
Dat wey I can repair some things undisturbed.

Oh yeah, I gave up "Ho'ing"

I hope I have a "solitary" quiet father's day. .... :clap:

FAT fuck Roy How I'd LOVE to beat his ass.

So concerned, ....
he used to be over almost every week,
till I Shut da bank onna hiz fat ass.
Joe Louis too.
But Margie, I cut some slack. ( She used to [allow] mommy to live with her.)

She dinna wants to admit it, but she took financial advantage o mommy.
Change her rent, Lotsa shit ... oh well .... never mind.

Things are getting better for me.
Not much of a life ..... but ..... :shrug:

I kanna unnersten why my :nuts: fool boy has EVEN any inkling to spend precious moments of life regarding me? :confused:

Guys, those of you so impacted..... " HAPPY FATHER'S DAY" :clap:
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Assuredly it isn't.

I kinda don't have a life. Kinda.

Dad's a handful. ( Thank god Tehvul is not around. He super :nuts:)

Like just now, me younger bro. ( Think "Sid" from Tom Sawyer ) come over.

How come Dad doesn't have nice clothes? > :huh: ( he does )
Look at the way this house is ....... :nag: :nag: :nag:

He ... "You know, you can be reported to Adult Protection services" >
Have you taken him to the Dr.

Me. "Look, you are NOT my inquisitor! :ofn:
You don't KNOW how he is."

Adult Protective Services? :huh:

Please call them...... I dare you. :razz:
They have been over 3 times. ( They have told me .... He's quite feisty)

He ... "They've been over already? How many times?
Who called them.

You don't do nothing." :nag:

Me .... "I am glad you are taking an interest, I welcome it.
It would be wonderful if you would step up and watch over him
for a week or two."

See, Mofo waits till I conk out .

And the VANDELS are loose!
Last night.... he fucked up the handle on the commode.
He couldn't get the tank top off. I used Gorilla tape to prevent him.
I fixed the kitchen window screen last night.
( from the inside..... Take off the burglar bars by my self???)
He ripped it .... to shoo the flies out. He leaves doors open.

So "punk ass Roy" bitching..... :shrug:

I guess it would be kinda nice ..... to not have to be on continuous overwatch.

See I took him to the DR. (Got him antibiotics anna "sleep aids.)
He hurt his big toe nail ( kicking the doors about a month ago)
In the middle of the night

I sez to dem maybe he has a mild form of DEMENTIA ?
I detect no symptoms of "old timers" ( Like whadda I know. )

They q's him ....... no convers. onna that subj.

Pop's bored. Fucks up things.
Gets mad anna tells me
"Get the fuck outta my house. I can do what the hell I want.
I'm gonna call the police on you and force you out."

I pick up phone, call PoPo .... anna tells him..... "Go for it"
He looks at me anna hangs up the ph.
Da popo used to drive by during "dog watch" anna told his monkey ass to get inside. :lol:

Nah boy, yer life's not so bad.

Given the circumstances .... mine's not that that bad.
Got's food to eat, place to stay, a lil truck,money to manage.

My mommy anna my daddy love me.
Angie gone > Yeah, she loves me. She called me tday. Just to talk.
But da dope??? :doom:
She toooooooo far gone. :(

I told her, "I have done all I can , no more... the rest is up to you."

Anna less see iffa Roy takes Da to the Fam. BBQ
Dat wey I can repair some things undisturbed.

Oh yeah, I gave up "Ho'ing"

I hope I have a "solitary" quiet father's day. .... :clap:

FAT fuck Roy How I'd LOVE to beat his ass.

So concerned, ....
he used to be over almost every week,
till I Shut da bank onna hiz fat ass.
Joe Louis too.
But Margie, I cut some slack. ( She used to [allow] mommy to live with her.)

She dinna wants to admit it, but she took financial advantage o mommy.
Change her rent, Lotsa shit ... oh well .... never mind.

Things are getting better for me.
Not much of a life ..... but ..... :shrug:

I kanna unnersten why my :nuts: fool boy has EVEN any inkling to spend precious moments of life regarding me? :confused:

Guys, those of you so impacted..... " HAPPY FATHER'S DAY" :clap:
i sure am glad my father didn't fuck me causing me to go into an unnatural homosexual life.

Rayn, personally, you don't know me "Shit from Shinola"

I never did anything to Redmund...... Except

"If it ain't right don't do it" rule at my household. :shrug: