[PSA] The Sleepy Effect

sf is pretty depressing how long he been palying and how he never got better at all

and he ignorant of his suckiness 2
disk di du watch the demos he posted

they r very rofl

it a real testament to sleepy low IQ cuz he probably wtached them and thot dang i look legit they gonna think i am good now
why would i even waste my time watching his demos

the kid told me flat out that he had the "right" to cheat, and would continue cheating regardless of what anyone thought

I know he cheats, he told me, i sent them to him, he's a faggot

the end
disk u smurfed as black leroy hautsoss for years to get picked in pus and cheated the whole time

u as big a fag as him anyway
sleepy ask me 4 a demo i release he said

do u have it i studied it a lot b4 ur positioning and standoffs and everything was perfect i analyzed it and broke it down and i want ot watch it again

it was some pub lineup vs cdc lineup


maybe now we can all share funny story about morning star
i have funny story about opsayo and morning star

1 time i captain draft tourney in t1

it joke tourney chump get picked 3rd round or something then randomly decide to show so whole tourney fucking gay etc and i on college wireless so i culd not play anyway

so sleepy opsayo still nooby at this time not getting picked in pu etc

i decide 4 my draft i gonna pick ucl or sleepy it is 6th round they still not picked and i kno these guy look up 2 me cuz i king scum and really want 2 become good at tribe and my team give them chance to do this

opsayo and sleepy both ask me 2 pick them on irc so it gonna be tuff decision and i kno they both emo faggot so whoever i not pick gonna be real sad and angry

i choose opsayo 4 some random reason and sleepy msg me and he freak out on me on irc and is real sad about not getting picked and i feel terrible

opsayo all excited and shit cuz he on team with fett and nihility and etc and act a big fag

then we pick freight train and ft a big fag from quebec and ruin whole game by distributing quebec nordick jersey 2 native american


4 that draft (this pre 140) i went to play at school library cause i get 108 ping instead of 140

we had fett vec so there was no point in me capping so i would play LO

i cg ppl a lot with 108 and i was very happy time in my life

we had ppl like bravo and nihility and cool names and other things
I admit it though

huge difference

you supporting him makes you look pretty stupid btw

i dont support him or any cheating scum

4 example if we gonna ban sleepy we should ban ur lisp faggot ass 4 ruining pickup games for years and using nothing but cg for maps a time

i just not dumb enough to think u gonna catch the guy in the act

i watch his demo inh uge resolution today and 120 fov and u can see every capper he try to shoot at

this plus toggleable cheats how the fuk u gonna catch some1 with all this shit

4 all u kno he is only using super hudbot and can glance at top right corner of his screen 4 half a second and kno what every1 is doing in that instant

if u start banning ppl for suspicious play ur gonna ban ppl that arent cheating like wat happened to milkman last year

i got match demos of myself from twl and hawk bats where i make flag returns taht right now i am not sure how i made them

1 is me flying at other team's base on sb spamming every1 dead while not looking inside and then somehow going under the base 2 ground level to return the flag that has fallen down the chute

idk how i even kno it fall down the chute and i was not cheating there maybe some1 on ventrillo tell me idk
i play d2 with nihility for a long time

we were gay buddy basically rofl we make pair character and use it to get item and get rich share wealth etc

nihility say buy me exile

i said fuk u

he said get me fucking exile

i buy him exile

now he rape canada hookers and drop body across border and blame other ppl
rofl did you seriously type all of that

I didn't know you hated me that much dare

i think you're more mad at the fact that I could beat you with an 80 ping while you pinged 12 and we're utterly worthless