[SO] did anyone else notice that spxnge is creepy?

I was just reading some other thread and spxnge posted some creepy email or pm or something about some dude being a liar or something and I thought to myself, why would someone hold onto that kind of thing man. wtf, that's creepy.

So I thought I would share.

seriously? thats what u call creepy? pretty sure 95% of twers net persona would be considered "creepy" by "normal" people. personally, i like creepy.

on a related note, its been a long fucking time since ive had crepes. i want strawberry crepes now.
i spent my weekend at a new hotel

saturday night 8 of my friends in the area met me out and we got shitty and hit a club

y r u so interested

talk about creepy
i spent my weekend at a new hotel

saturday night 8 of my friends in the area met me out and we got shitty and hit a club

y r u so interested

talk about creepy

translation: spxnge n few other homeless junkies took shelter in a building under construction where they proceeded to do some meth n heroin. cops came and hit them with clubs.
lmao why are you awkward mouthbreathers trying to get the better of spxnge

you sit at home chugging soda and reading blog posts about massively multiplayer online games

the guy is out there getting shit done

and yet here you are trying still
yo obibum i don't think sponge wants his dick that deep down your throat?

 oh and me and sponge are or relatively good terms i'd say. 
actually im just givin him shit for no reason. never really paid him much attention before. seemed a bit too straight laced, but if mofo thinks hes creepy, he might be cooler than i thought.