I didn't really like Final Fantasy XIII...

I dunno this shit just calms me down and I enjoy it

Grief: you will hate the characters and story because it all sucks balls

but like I said I do like the music, I downloaded the OST which is what made me make this thread
I enjoyed the soundtrack a lot. I actually enjoying playing through the game, my biggest gripe with it was how much opened up in the last few hours and after you've beaten the final boss. I just couldn't be bothered to go back and complete all the optional stuff when the actual game was already over.
i got 22 hours in the first time watchign all the cutscenes

the second time i got to the exact same spot before breaking my ps3 controller, but i skipped all the cutscenes and got there in 14 hours

i skipped 8 hours of cutscenes
Shitty characters with horribly over-dramatized voice acting made FF13 terrible. I doubt we'll see an improvement with future FF titles.
my biggest complaint with FF13 is the way the game would limit your growth but allow you to upgrade weapons to limitless ends, its like okay so i have ultimate weapon at level 15 and i cant even cast Haste on myself yet.
Final Fantasy started going downhill with FFX imo, it became more about cute graphics and cutscenes rather than story/gameplay. It got also way too linear.

I remember getting lost as fuck in FF7 the first time I played it.
FFX was pretty good I thought. It really started going downhill with X-2 their first MMO, and then trying to make all the normal games more MMO-like. Each game has gotten progressively worse since then.
X-2 had fantastic gameplay, but the plot/story/etc. was just absolutely abysmal. I enjoyed FFX, never did finish FFXII
Finished watching all the Neon Genesis Evangelion episodes night. Holy fuck that was fun.
I love going on Anime benders
I bought the game last year and attempted to play it but could only get 7 hours in before i had to stop. I hated all the characters and the story.

Picked it up again recently and have been slogging through it a bit further. It's starting to get better, but the first 7 or so chapters are just inexcusable.

yeah you get to the point where you start thinking "finally this is going somewhere"

then the game ends in a shitstorm of incredibly unrelated bullshit asian flashy lights and magic and you're sitting there like "what the fuck did i waste my life on"
Final Fantasy keeping maximum hits to 9999 today is really quite ingenious. It both saves preciously limited gaming memory and nostalgically preserves gaming memories of our childhoods.
I dunno, all of FF13's music seems elevator-y. Nothing stood out, it all blended in to the background, imo. No character themes, or at least not very well defined character themes. And I dunno, just a lack of a good story + good music to go with it to make it memorable. Maybe if the story was better I'd like the music better. Hard to say.
Final Fantasy started going downhill with FFX imo, it became more about cute graphics and cutscenes rather than story/gameplay.

I would argue that Square has always tried to enhance their storytelling via graphics/cinematics (voice acting now being added to this). Even the SNES titles had sprite animations to express emotion.

As for gameplay; Square usually tries to reinvent that with each title - which can be very hit or miss, depending on who you ask.

Overall, their teen-drama bullshit kinda started with FF7, which is where the series went downhill for me.
The introduction of the cutscene saved Final Fantasy. Before that it was a boring series. You had to know how to read, and characters were often more than one dimensional archetypes. Then you'd have to figure out where to go next, kill monsters and beat dungeons that you discovered around the world. It was exhausting. Now thanks to the cutscenes I don't have to pay much attention, and with the automated battles it's become immensely enjoyable.
I personally loved VII, IX and X. All the others sucked donkey dick. I got lost so many times on 7 that it hurt my brain. Blitzball on 10 was amazing.
I enjoyed the game but I'm easily entertained. Will probably pick up FFXIII-2 when that comes out.

Though, I wish the entire game had been open like it was when you get to Gran Pulse. Would have been nice to openly explore Cocoon too.

Orphan was a fun fight. Took me a few tries, though.

And the references to Carmina Burana and One-Winged Angel in the comments on that video are laughable.
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