[Brink]New FPS from Splash Damage

Didn't the original red faction have destructible environments?

I think splash damage is putting the emphasis where so many developers fail to: game play / team work. Have you ever thought that they might have lessened weapon recoil for a reason? Most of us haven't played the game, nor do we know the reasons behind their decisions.

Red Faction had that tunneling ability, there was one test level where you could take down pretty simplistic structure, don't recall any multiplayer in the game if it had any I never played it.

I would say the reasons behind the no recoil thing is that the console platform is the leading one and FPS games suck hard enough with a console controller, to add recoil would just make it even more frustrating.

evidently (unconfirmed source) they've lessened traditional visual recoil in exchange for a more extreme bullet-spread system.

Keep in mind this is all console footage, which is a dumbed down version of the game play possibilities on PC anyway.

I would be surprised if they took the time to implement a completely different weapon handling experience just for the PC version.
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They've already confirmed that they're not back-porting from console. They're developing the PC version, specifically for the PC. Sure they share large portions of code, but i wouldn't at all be surprised to see (especially with the new info about the NECVARS) the weapons handle in a 'different' way on the PC.

For the PC, they can drastically change how one, two, or any number of weapons/abilities behave, and roll out the patch in a few hours, including but not limited to: weapon damage, cyclic rate, and yes, probably recoil too.

Also they've directly quoted that there is no leading platform.
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Man, how many times have we heard that song and dance from developers, anymore it just means they've made the front end interface mouseable and changed "press start" to "press enter".

Like I said, if that is the case then they're really failing on the marketing for the game, either that or Microsoft did another back door deal to ensure they only show off the xbox version.
confirmation on the splash damage website by the devs that they are indeed changing how the shooting mechanics work, specifically for the PC.
Recoil is kinda pointless on a console with a "lock-on" aiming button.

And I thought it releases sooner then May 17th now... or was it later...
Recoil is kinda pointless on a console with a "lock-on" aiming button.

And I thought it releases sooner then May 17th now... or was it later...
thought it was the 10th

game looks interesting. hope it's fun for a while. but anyone listening to devs and believing the game mechanics/graphics & promises to update their game in any sort of timely manner will end up being as they say is either new to gaming in general or setting themselves up for needless disappointment.
Ghost, you are/were with 20id, right? Have you played it yet? Is there even a beta? If there isn't I may hold off on buying it until people have given a verdict, SD doesn't have a fantastic track record for multiplayer balance recently.

Still post there alot and talk to some people, they are pretty inactive till BF3, no way I have time to game at that level anymore, hs/college is long over :(

One guy works for some game mag, and another @ tomshardware, they've both played it, but no beta at all I think. They are both excited for the full product.

Well Bad Company 2 introduced destructible environments and deformable terrain, something I've been waiting a long time for in an FPS and there's hope that Battlefield 3 will go even further with Frostbyte 2 engine. Perhaps more evolutionary yet other shooters can't even bring themselves up to par with BC2.

What? Frostbite was a steaming pile of shit with terrible netcode and hit detection. Have you ever played a game? The best BF netcode has/was BF1942, pre punkbuster. BF2 wasn't too bad, but the cone fire thing was annoying as balls.

Also, there have been several games with destructible environments, I played a few and tested a few (some german game called Soldner I think comes to mind), which was hyped up pretty big. Soldner you could even make craters in the ground and reform that.

If you think the BF series is going to be "innovating" or launch some amazing game that everyone else is striving to do, I think you've lost your damn mind. They were the first game to really incorporate all 3 aspects of war (planes, boats, infantry/vehicles), which was really cool. But it was pretty obvious in every game air fucking dominated and nothing was better (pilots in 42/vietnam/bf2 were the single most important role, if you had the air, you had the map).

I'm hoping they just focus on what made the BF series good, which was fun gameplay, solid netcode, balanced classes, and a good combination of planes/tanks/infantry. The devs over at Dice know how to make pretty shit, but a good game seems to be beyond them, I've always thought the battlefield series went downhill a little bit after 1942 anyway with each game release (hitting rock bottom with 2142)
Man, how many times have we heard that song and dance from developers, anymore it just means they've made the front end interface mouseable and changed "press start" to "press enter".

It depends on the company. If iD is heavily involved, they've never lied like that, unlike the countless EA/activision ports

iD, Valve, and Blizzard all seem PC focused, and deliver on promises of a real PC game, but no one else does :(
What? Frostbite was a steaming pile of shit with terrible netcode and hit detection. Have you ever played a game? The best BF netcode has/was BF1942, pre punkbuster. BF2 wasn't too bad, but the cone fire thing was annoying as balls.

Also, there have been several games with destructible environments, I played a few and tested a few (some german game called Soldner I think comes to mind), which was hyped up pretty big. Soldner you could even make craters in the ground and reform that.

Didn't have too much trouble with the netcode in Bad Company 2, most of the problem revolves around their shitty server browser but if you can out think it by finding servers that you have a low ping to out of game and connect by using the search function there's little to complain about once your in game.

At least DICE made headway in having destruction in games beyond just breaking windows, way too many games have everything from tires to beer bottles glued down and completely static.

If you think the BF series is going to be "innovating" or launch some amazing game that everyone else is striving to do, I think you've lost your damn mind. They were the first game to really incorporate all 3 aspects of war (planes, boats, infantry/vehicles), which was really cool. But it was pretty obvious in every game air fucking dominated and nothing was better (pilots in 42/vietnam/bf2 were the single most important role, if you had the air, you had the map).

I'm hoping they just focus on what made the BF series good, which was fun gameplay, solid netcode, balanced classes, and a good combination of planes/tanks/infantry. The devs over at Dice know how to make pretty shit, but a good game seems to be beyond them, I've always thought the battlefield series went downhill a little bit after 1942 anyway with each game release (hitting rock bottom with 2142)

BF2 brought the innovation of a decent squad system, which many games after only play lip service to. Homefront is the latest example of a team multiplayer game without a decent squad system, just a checklist feature.

I didn't get into 1942 that much, it didn't interest me enough to quit playing Tribes. Once people started playing wake island 24/7 I didn't even bother. Played a little bit of desert combat, completely skipped BF Vietnam.

Played the hell out of BF2 and while BF2142 was a stop-gap game much like Vietnam I really liked it, the Titan mode added a really cool element to basic conquest - I hope they have something like it in BF3.
If you pre-order Brink on D2D, and use the promo code "BUNNY" at check-out, you save 25%.


Sweet! I was wanting to order from D2D because it was $10 cheaper and their preorder bonus gear is the best. Definitely gonna get it there now.


Never used D2D but here's hoping they dont suck.
devs lie 100% of the time guys. Don't believe them or you'll just be disappointed. In fact, you should always believe the opposite of what they tell you.
Wow, people drop absurdly fast in that, especially compared to clip size and fire rates. One person is going to easily be able to trash multiple people caught unawares, and generally fights look like they will go to the person who sees the other first the vast majority of the time.