Rich asshole hits cyclist and flees, charges reduced to save his job


the dude probably gave that guy 25 million to just shut the fuck up

who cares if no criminal charges were filed

i wouldn't file shit either
It's not over yet. The press has it, and Mr. 2010 Mercedes Benz is in for a little bit of heartburn for the next few months.
It doesn't sound like they have any kind of deal set up, like no charges will be filed if $$$ is paid by a set time. I really don't see how they can justify this with the victim not agreeing to the drop in charges.
heard of this story

i believe they think if charges are pressed he will lose his job and the guy hit wont be able to pay his medical bills

so its in the best interest of the guy hit if the other guy keeps his job
heard of this story

i believe they think if charges are pressed he will lose his job and the guy hit wont be able to pay his medical bills

so its in the best interest of the guy hit if the other guy keeps his job

That's what they say, and it is a possible justification...
except the bicyclist protested and said he doesn't care about the money, he just wants the felony charge.

It's pretty obvious that's just their excuse so the rich guy won't have to face charges. I don't think anyone can disagree that if it was a normal person, they'd be facing a felony charge.
Rick Sanchez - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Drunk driving incident
On December 10, 1990, Sanchez was in a neighborhood in the vicinity of Joe Robbie Stadium, driving home with his father from a Dolphins football game when he struck Jeffrey Smuzinick, a pedestrian, who had just darted out of a van. Smuzinick had cocaine in his system. Sanchez left the location at which the accident occurred, but returned a few hours later. Smuzinick was paralyzed, and five years later on November 2, 1995, died in an assisted living facility at the age of 36.[6] A blood test by police determined that Sanchez's blood alcohol level was .15%, above the legal limit of .10%. Sanchez was charged with driving under the influence (DUI) and pleaded No Contest.[7] Sanchez was not charged with hitting Smuzinick.
Very convenient "I need my job to pay the potential civil damages he may sue me for!" "He doesn't want any money" "Oh...well... so long suckers!"

How do you almost murder someone with your car and basically get away with it. Then we watch him win a reduced amount in the civil trial and basically walk away singing the 'suck my dick' song.