12 Hour Days: How Do You Feel?


Veteran XX
For a total of maybe 12 weeks of my life, one set of 6 weeks in 2007 and now starting again the last few weeks currently, i've been working off of 12 hour days.

Essentially, I sleep 3-8am or something and go to work, then sleep in the evning another 3-4 hours and do stuff after that until sleep again at 3am.

This allows me to avoid those shitty hours no one does anything, such as 7-10pm and maximize the more fun times, or points in the day that i have to be awake to make that cheddah

Is this a good thing to do or am i ultimately going to die from sleep something or other?
in 2007 I was in Mexico and didn't feel weird or blah after the duration of shift sleep.
this time around i do feel a little more tired occasionally, but maybe thats just the tiredness in the middle of the day indicating it's "midnight" for my 12 hour shift and time to start anew
I heard there's a way to sleep 15 minutes at a time if you align yourself with the rhythm of your sleep cycle perfectly.

You only need do this every 2 hours- so essentially you get 3 hours of sleep a day but you remain totally rested because more or less all of those 15 minutes are REM sleep.

You should do that.
if you don't feel bad missing the sleep then you're probably fine - your body will le you know if you're fucked!

hey goshin lets play blood bowl
i'm ok with playing blood bowl (later, not now, not downstairs anymore)

and tanj, in college during finals week i started using the Thomas Edison method of the 15-20 minute power nap for sleep. Essentially what you're saying i guess. I studied for my tests and when i got tired, would set my alarm for 20 minutes in the FUTURE and pass out (luckily i would fall asleep quick) then wake up when the buzzer went off feeling great. Read some more, wait a few hours, rinse and repeat

got an A in both summer courses :)

unsure if i could do that and completely replace sleep though. maybe.
from what i'v read u can have a sleep cycle like this as long as u sleep enough. (8 hrs or more total)

I wouldn't be able to handle it lol
I have been pushing myself really hard lately because I am building custom guitar pedals now for people... I stay up till 8am and sleep till 11am or so normally and every couple days I sleep 6-7 hours. However I have only gotten a 15 minute nap on some days and after that 15 minute nap I feel perfectly fine, like I had an 8hour night of sleep... It's weird.
I heard there's a way to sleep 15 minutes at a time if you align yourself with the rhythm of your sleep cycle perfectly.

You only need do this every 2 hours- so essentially you get 3 hours of sleep a day but you remain totally rested because more or less all of those 15 minutes are REM sleep.

You should do that.

Sets yourself up for crashes. Sure it can work if you get your sleep exactly every two hours. Any length of time awake past two hours and you go straight from rested to drop-dead-tired-worthless.
You can handle it for awhile Goshin. But you will eventually burn out. I suppose that's better than fading away.
I workd 12-hour shifts for 5 years. I'd do 36 hours one week and 48 the next.

For the last two years I've been working 8-hour shifts Mon-Fri. It's the first time I've ever had a 9-to-5 syle shift...and I like it.
I've done 14 hour shifts, and its certainly doable, it just eats into the time you'll be awake and at home.

After many many years of weird schedules or rotating shifts, there is certainly something to be said for a standard 8-5.

Good think my new job is offering flex time.