My warrior has the best title

Our server used to have an honor cap the top HWL prospects followed. It was about 450k, if I recall correctly. One week our guild took the week off PVE and just farmed battlegrounds instead, one of our mages ended up racking up 650k honor and fucked a couple Warlords over, forcing them all to have to grind 20 hours a day for another week. They lost it pretty bad and attacked our guild forums / got alliance players to try to camp us outside MC. Good times.
Blood Guard > all other old PvP titles.

But now I am known as Merrymaker Mordenthal.


Edit: I discovered after I made my char that there is an npc in Ashenvale named Mordenthal and he is undead too. I was like wtf m8, I chose my name from this:
Mordenthal (Sir) A follower of the Dark path SH-Mordenthal's Castle

Maybe that's what Blizz did as well.
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