SlushieZ - let's predict

Well, Xcursion is already here trying to chase off a girl. Now we just need to wait for kiint to show up so these two can combine their fem hater homo powers and blast another unfortunate female off the site.
Well, Xcursion is already here trying to chase off a girl. Now we just need to wait for kiint to show up so these two can combine their fem hater homo powers and blast another unfortunate female off the site.

Commence the shitting from a high place.
What do you think the odds are that Xcursion has actually ever touched a female who wasn't either crying or else asking for payment.
Yep. Your brother put me in a HioN thread awhile back. Back when straightening my hair was a nightmare and I was a ghosty ghost. Thanks Abbot =)
Who fucking cares? Oh yea, Xcursion the handicapped, nerd virgin, creeper mcstalkenheimer got unbanned.