best place near you to hide a body.

Why hide the body?

I guess most people don't realize how easy it is to get away with murder. Assuming they don't have a police file, most anyone could get away with murder simply by following someone until they are at their most alone and vulnerable, shooting them in the head (twice, just to be sure) and running away. If you really wanted to make this work, cram your feet into a pair of shoes that are at least a size too small and wear a pair of gloves. Park a few blocks away. After the deed is done, high-tail it back to your car, and drive away non-chalantly, making sure not to spin the tires out of excitement.

Remember, the over-whelming majority of murders go unsolved. Shows like COPS and The First 48 only make you think otherwise.

the situation seemed to be murdering someone that you had contact with, and thus the potential of making you a suspect, not killing some random person. unless you plan on leaving tracks somewhere i don't see how wearing smaller shoes would make a difference.

EDIT: Also, if you're leaving tracks with the shoes, odds are they could be followed back to where you parked and cops would ask around about seeing a car there. If someone identifies your vehicle, the cops may not be able to find shoes that match and fit you, but they'll probably notice you walking with a limp from the fucking blisters on your feet from trying to run in shoes that were two sizes too small.
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few options

1. One of a few local Junk Yards
2. Meat Grinder
3. Plenty of forest area nearby
4. 2 different rivers that both merge and lead to the ocean(eventually)
5. Rock Quarry nearby
6. Sandpit nearby...

fuck This shit would be easy...
I have an old rug rolled up under my bed. I'd probably just tie the body up in that and toss it in the dumpster by my apartment. Truck picks it up. Won't get noticed, if at all, until it hits the landfill, then they have no way of knowing where they got it. I figure my odds are decent.
i live in canada where you can just drive into some remote area, dig a shallow grave and the body will never be found

hell even if you got caught you'd only spend a couple years in prison up here and then you can say you were raped and get a nice pay day
the situation seemed to be murdering someone that you had contact with, and thus the potential of making you a suspect, not killing some random person. unless you plan on leaving tracks somewhere i don't see how wearing smaller shoes would make a difference.
Let's say you pissed off someone like naptown, except they aren't naptown. They have the same creepy obsession with finding every personal, real life detail about the people that piss them off on the internet. However, they don't boast, brag, or make open threats. Imagining this type of person isn't so difficult. Just think about this for a second: has anyone ever done anything to naptown, isuk, or xcursion, outside of obvious trolling and teasing, that would warrant them obsessing over the real lives of some internet personalities? No. But, they still do it. And for what? Being called a wigger? A wannabe gangster? A creep? This is why this shit is not funny. People here tease about 'nexting' and get a big laugh out of these guys but, in all actuality, these guys need real psychological help. So imagine we have a naptown on our hands, who gets upset at the most trivial things and, in retaliation, finds out everything about you that he can. He comes up with your address, your telephone number, who your parents are and where the live. Except this naptown is not boastful.

Assuming you don't live more than few states away from him, he could make killing you a day trip. And no one would suspect him.

That's fucking terrifying.
Why hide the body?

I guess most people don't realize how easy it is to get away with murder. Assuming they don't have a police file, most anyone could get away with murder simply by following someone until they are at their most alone and vulnerable, shooting them in the head (twice, just to be sure) and running away. If you really wanted to make this work, cram your feet into a pair of shoes that are at least a size too small and wear a pair of gloves. Park a few blocks away. After the deed is done, high-tail it back to your car, and drive away non-chalantly, making sure not to spin the tires out of excitement.

Remember, the over-whelming majority of murders go unsolved. Shows like COPS and The First 48 only make you think otherwise.

This reminds me of that movie Munich about the jews who kill the arab leaders. The very first guy they kill, they just shoot him a bunch while he's carrying groceries and then run off. For each successive assassination, they get more and more complicated, and shit starts to go horribly wrong.
Remember, the over-whelming majority of murders go unsolved. Shows like COPS and The First 48 only make you think otherwise.

I think the latest stats are that about 2/3 of murders are solved in the US. Certainly varies from city to city, though.

But you are right that if you just randomly killed someone and were even somewhat careful, you would probably not be caught
Let's say you pissed off someone like naptown, except they aren't naptown. They have the same creepy obsession with finding every personal, real life detail about the people that piss them off on the internet. However, they don't boast, brag, or make open threats. Imagining this type of person isn't so difficult. Just think about this for a second: has anyone ever done anything to naptown, isuk, or xcursion, outside of obvious trolling and teasing, that would warrant them obsessing over the real lives of some internet personalities? No. But, they still do it. And for what? Being called a wigger? A wannabe gangster? A creep? This is why this shit is not funny. People here tease about 'nexting' and get a big laugh out of these guys but, in all actuality, these guys need real psychological help. So imagine we have a naptown on our hands, who gets upset at the most trivial things and, in retaliation, finds out everything about you that he can. He comes up with your address, your telephone number, who your parents are and where the live. Except this naptown is not boastful.

Assuming you don't live more than few states away from him, he could make killing you a day trip. And no one would suspect him.

That's fucking terrifying.

a few states? i'm fairly certain naptown doesn't live more than a few hours from me lol.

anyway, there are a few things I don't think people are considering.

1. timing: If the person in single, you'd almost certainly have to do it on a weekend to allow for more time before people realized he/she was missing. Doing it during the week, the employer will notice the next day. If the person is married, you'll only have a matter of an hour or two at most before the person is noticed missing.

2. feasibility: yes, there are plenty of great places to hide a body, but keep in mind you have to easily be able to transport 200+lbs of deadweight whatever distance you're thinking of going. burying a body several miles off some obscure road is fine and all, but think of how long it will take to get the body there. you'd have to leave your vehicle unattended by the side of the road for hours and hope no one notices.

3. quickly hiding the body is probably not optimum. you're creating a race for yourself. the search will begin as soon as the person is noticed missing and will likely continue for a few weeks. a temporary hiding spot is probably best. when the search calms down, then move the body to a permanent hiding spot.
Why not grind the body up and make a few dozen batches of meat loaf? Just bring it by the local soup kitchen for dinner time and it will be shit into the underpants of hundred homeless people by midnight.
Let's say you pissed off someone like naptown, except they aren't naptown. They have the same creepy obsession with finding every personal, real life detail about the people that piss them off on the internet. However, they don't boast, brag, or make open threats. Imagining this type of person isn't so difficult. Just think about this for a second: has anyone ever done anything to naptown, isuk, or xcursion, outside of obvious trolling and teasing, that would warrant them obsessing over the real lives of some internet personalities? No. But, they still do it. And for what? Being called a wigger? A wannabe gangster? A creep? This is why this shit is not funny. People here tease about 'nexting' and get a big laugh out of these guys but, in all actuality, these guys need real psychological help. So imagine we have a naptown on our hands, who gets upset at the most trivial things and, in retaliation, finds out everything about you that he can. He comes up with your address, your telephone number, who your parents are and where the live. Except this naptown is not boastful.

Assuming you don't live more than few states away from him, he could make killing you a day trip. And no one would suspect him.

That's fucking terrifying.
:huh: back away slowly from the tribalwars
id set his house on fire, rig an airplane for RC flying, put him in the plane, and ram it in to a large stationary object.
well as long as you are grinding up the evidence, you could probably just flush it. as long as you grind it good enough, and clean the fuck out of everything afterwards.
20 miles outside of Vegas in any direction and you'd never see that body again.

Not much of a dilemma out in these parts. :shrug:
