[MEGATHREAD]Battlefield Bad Company 2 [Not a Forum!]

Anyone figured out how to get the friends thing to work, or is it down as long as the server browser's down?
It works, a few friends and I just played some. Just have to get one person into a game using play now, and then you can follow. Use the soldier names.

Pretty fucking fun game...I just can't get over the sound design, it's amazing.
It's got great sound effects but my ears ring after playing for a few hours using headphones. (even with the volume reasonably low).

I wish there was a way to make it sound a little less processed though.
Damn UPS went on the fritz when I was 3rd in line on fileplanet. Rebooted after the damn thing stopped acting up and started the download again. I didn't even realize it had started when I noticed the icon flashing. It already downloaded. Now I am installing but its going slow. RAID rebuild happening at the same time. Too lazy to wait for it to finish and don't care if I lose anything. No errors found yet so I think I am good.

EDIT: The Alienware key does indeed work. Grabbed the client from fileplanet. I am not a paid subscriber. I just used my free account to download the client then applied the key I got from Alienware and bingo. I am in.

Add me to your friends list.


I am liking this game a lot.
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This game is insane, Thank god as well i held off on Modern shitware 2.

So far things Ive notice that i like and do not like

*Graphics are awesome with the way shit blows apart
*Kills cam is OK but who needs it
*Why does a medic have PKM....were is my AK47
*sniper rifle not killing on head shots....which i know it will be fixed by release
*I can get kills easy but sometimes you waste a complete clip into the guy like the damage is set much to low on the weapons
*The armored vehicle with the machine gun is just brutal i must of wasted 40 enemy's parachuting from the sky...this i will see to be a spawn camp special.
*Game crash's on any little button touch at the moment, i went to pick new class when i died and Pow crash to desktop.


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It works, a few friends and I just played some. Just have to get one person into a game using play now, and then you can follow. Use the soldier names.

Pretty fucking fun game...I just can't get over the sound design, it's amazing.

Agreed - its amazing how much a difference that sound makes.

hypno - are you aiming above the head?
Agreed - its amazing how much a difference that sound makes.

hypno - are you aiming above the head?

Yeah like i did in BF2, Its seem to register when it wants because i caught 4 snipers on one hill so i popped the 1st one and he went down, the second one i shot him the same way but he lived and it took 2 more shots at him and he finally died. With the PKM i ripped up a sniper but it felt like it took half the clip...i remember in BF2 i was sick with the PKM and i could snipe with it 2-3 shot burst would kill anybody....but in this game it takes 15-25 shots to get him down...maybe the hit box's are still not tweaked.
i got to play for about 30 min last night, it was fucking awesome.

for some reason though i would start to auto walk or auto strafe right or left, i couldnt figure out why.

on ultra high every setting maxed i got ok FPS, im gonna tweak it a bit tonight and run fraps to see how many fps im actually getting.