
my guild of old friends that im in does 10 man uld 2 nights a week, were 11/14

i wish i could do 25 man, but all the good raiding guilds on my server (gurubashi) are horde side >_<
Grats Smaq, server first right?
Yeah, other guilds really aren't close yet which is surprising. I think a couple horde guilds still have Council/Yogg/Mimi/Freya to go and 2 or more alliance guilds still have the same remaining minus Council (and Yogg if 3light counts for the meta).

Once again the guild with casual hours starts out slow and steadily progresses while the 2 big alliance guilds came out with 40+ hour raid weeks and faceplanted as people got burned out and quit/xferred. We're not perfect though and did put A LOT of work into Freya x3 (3 or 4 partial nights of attempts, probably 10+ hours total), but all others including Mimiron and Yogg 1light were no more than 2-3 hours before we got the kill.
Completed my orange hammer on Monday. Bubbles for everyone!
Grats! Ours is 28/30 after 2 weeks with maybe 2 shards each week. 3 bosses left so if Mimi and Vezax put out or we kill Algalon we can hopefully make it tonight, worst case we'll have it next week.
We got our 25-man drakes and Orange Hammer last week. Some people still don't have their drakes though because Kologarn keeps failing to give them Disarmed, rofl.
sweet epeen thread

pre-nerf alone in the darkness, i believe this trumps drakes :)

We should have had it but we got owned by raid comp problems (not enough aoe online + 1 hunter in the raid) and missed 3 days of progression on it. Either way it was still the most satisfying kill i've ever been a part of. Atleast we still got it in the same reset as Stars, hard for people to say we watched their video and leeched the strat.
We should have had it but we got owned by raid comp problems (not enough aoe online + 1 hunter in the raid) and missed 3 days of progression on it. Either way it was still the most satisfying kill i've ever been a part of. Atleast we still got it in the same reset as Stars, hard for people to say we watched their video and leeched the strat.
Grats, 1light was rough to learn at first and I'm sure Yogg 0 would be enough to make my eyes bleed.
The little 10man I started a few week ago when I began playing again just beat him on Hard Mode accidentally. We've done most of the Hard Modes in 10man by accident now that I think about it.

Kinda funny how much of a joke the pve content is when you get people together that are used to the old 40man stuff.
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Kinda funny how much of a joke the pve content is when you get people together that are used to the old 40man stuff.
With the exception of C'Thun (and arguably a few other bosses) the old 40 man stuff doesn't really compete with a lot of the 25 man stuff.

Sure most of SSC / TK were a joke, BT, Hyjal etc weren't hard but the last few bosses in Sunwell and several Ulduar hard modes were more difficult than any 40 man encounter. Even after 3.2 when basically every fight in Ulduar will have been nerfed heavily, there will be some pretty tough fights.

10 man, even most of the hard modes, is just a joke.
I've read up on the fights like yogg + 0 and they don't really seem as much skills based (ie. kael, muru, kj) as rng based

I miss bc :(