Does anyone actually play WOW anymore?


Veteran XX
It seems as though no one does sometimes. Blahblablah 11 million subscribers. Something like 3/4 are in Asia, so that's ruled out.

Whenever i go to sites like WoWinsider or reddit theres next to no comments, only ~10 people even post in this forum. So WTF?

Most of the people i encounter in game outside my guild are mouthbreathing retards or animu fuckheads, further reinforcing the idea that few 'real people' play.
Do many hardcore gamers play I think is what you're really asking; and I think it goes in waves. Do a lot of people idle in Dalaran for hours doing nothing? Yes absolutely. Do less people play 6 months after a major release? of course!

But there are still millions who play. Just not the same 500 tribers from 4 yrs ago.
Two of my coworkers play, and I doubt they do the research that graduates someone to "hardcore". One raids late night (12am to 4am) because he always has closing shifts and he also goes to trade school, and the other is simply leveling with a couple of friends and a supposed GF (I say this because he shows photos of the girl whom he met in WoW and none of us really believe it).

From time to time I roll with that late-night guild on a normal realm or I play with a friend, but outside that the days of 6+ hour "marathons" are gone.
there are probably more people banned from than who read TW a day
Machine said:
Most of the people i encounter in game outside my guild are mouthbreathing retards or animu fuckheads, further reinforcing the idea that few 'real people' play.
Coincidence? Most people banned from EJ are said mouthbreathing retards. Then again I haven't visited EJ in months, I drop by MMO-Champion every couple days and get any other news I'd be interested in from guildmates on ventrilo that won't stop talking when we should be focusing on getting shit done.
granted a lot of people on EJ warrant bans, but they are also pretty rediculous in enforcing things. I got a warning for a post b/c I did not bring "sufficient statistical data to represent my findings."