Obese no-neck fat-fucks have a "right" to two seats on aeroplanes (in Canadaland)

How is that relevant?

If I'm the beneficiary of an unjustice done unto a minority (in this case: businessmen), am I not able to acknowledge the unjustice? How far do you think the civil rights movement would have gotten if everyone was as shallow as you?

You are a minority by choice, so it doesn't exactly qualify.
Your weight is something you control. Race, physical and mental characteristics are something that cannot be controlled.
When this "minority" consists of over half of the fucking population...its not a minority anymore, now is it?
You are a minority by choice, so it doesn't exactly qualify.
Your weight is something you control. Race, physical and mental characteristics are something that cannot be controlled.
When this "minority" consists of over half of the fucking population...its not a minority anymore, now is it?
I said that the businessmen are a minority, not the fat people.

Am I really so intelligent that everything I say is just over everyone's head? Or is half of Tribalwar just functionally retarded?
i dont understand why a business needs to be punished because someone shoves too much fucking food in their mouths.

if your disgusting, fat ass fills 2 seats, then you should pay for two seats.

i cant fucking believe this decision.
Maybe it has something to doing with fuel costs being related to how much the plane weighs? Fatties weigh the plane down and force it to use more fuel, it isn't just about space.

Is this a serious post? Because the extra weight of fat people is nothing compared to the weight of the airplane.
Is this a serious post? Because the extra weight of fat people is nothing compared to the weight of the airplane.

You can run the numbers and see the total weight of everyone is a significant portion of the plane. Think about it this way: there is a certain amount of structure/fuel required to fly a given mass a certain distance. The mass of the plane is going to be extremely optimized to carry a design load a given distance. Space is important, but it's not all that difficult to increase the length of the plane to add more seats if the mass capacity is not met.

What results is the plane is designed for a target weight. If people as a whole weighed less planes could be very noticeably less massive and would require less fuel and material costs.

As it is the planes are already there, but if you were to fill the plane with fatties it would be too heavy to fly its design flight length. It's rather rare but on occasion they will take luggage and people (who were standby) off the plane to meet the maximum weight limit. Since there generally are few fat people on a plane it has no effect. Another way of putting it is that the many skinny people are in turn paying the extra for the few fat people. As there is generally a small ratio the overall cost isn't too noticeable. However, passenger weight is extremely important to plane design.
if you are too fat, and require 2 seats on an aircraft, you should not be charged more.

You should be given a wool blanket, and a seat in the cargo hold.
i dont understand why a business needs to be punished because someone shoves too much fucking food in their mouths.

if your disgusting, fat ass fills 2 seats, then you should pay for two seats.

i cant fucking believe this decision.

Technically parliament could overrule the transport agency rule, could they not? Of course, then a lawyer for the obese could bring in a lawsuit and allege that this violates the Charter, and then it goes to a judge again, and we could be in the same position. Damnit :\
Execute them and burn their blubber for heat.

Actually, I'm sure a scientist could work out how to turn fat people into jet fuel. Killing 2 birds with 1 stone.
i don't understand this. they take up 2 seats, therefore they should pay for otwo....right? This isn't a civil rights or discrimination issue, these fatties practice unhealthy lifestyles and expect the rest of society to cater to their needs. This is truly pathetic.
No I think that it's actually outside of the weight issue. The airline loses more money by not being able to sell that seat to another person on the plane (or the normal person has to be bumped etc.) Having the obese person on the plane and an extra half seat taken up reduces the weight overall (in most cases) I would think, unless the obese person weighs more than 2x the weight of the potential passenger who doesn't get to board.

If a person is so fat that they require two or more seats, it's pretty much commonsense that they would have to weigh at least twice what a normal person would weigh.