[Religion] "I want my kids to decide for themselves"

So I'm bringing my children up in the Christian religion. As such, my children will be taught to tell the truth. They will learn not to prey on the weaknesses of the misfortunate. Additionally they will be taught to actively contribute to those less fortunate. They will learn to consider other, non-Christian, persons feelings when interacting socially. They will be taught to avoid prideful and scornful behavior. They will observe the nature of the Universe--as I have--in order to cogitate our place within said Cosmos. The same as every one of you are attempting right now...

So how am I denying my children the ability to decide for themselves?

bitch please. like christianity has never had perfect examples of lying, preying on weaknes, taking advantage of those less fortunate and all the rest of that horseshit you're spewing
There is a difference between ethical truth and ethical falsehood. So while you're statement is true, Religion can only teach falsehoods and not truth.
Prefacing this with the fact that I am an atheist, I have to disagree that religion cannot teach truth. Assuming ethical truth is instilling a sense of right and wrong, religion doesn't do too shabby there. The price being the destruction of critical thinking, indoctrination of kids, and heaping pile of other issues that come with it make it a no brainer in the worst way when choosing the best method to teach morals.
No, you're not denying the child years of moral instruction.

You're giving them years of moral instruction without a religious rhetoric as an underlying cause for the morals.


Thread should have ended here, and I heavily agree, but...

Fuck religion, all it does is cause problems. I hate religion with a fucking passion, and anybody who tries to promote it or force it upon people, like my faincee's parents and the church they go to.

This particular church won't marry us if are living together for the month before our marriage. They want one of us to move out, and apparently preliminary marriage counseling is necessary prior to all marriages now? This is getting way the fuck out of hand.

I also can't see how somebody from the christian religion can look at a muslim and tell them that they are wrong, and believe that the muslim is going to hell simply for having his/her own beliefs. FUCK THOSE PEOPLE, FUCK THEM STRAIGHT TO THEIR BULLSHIT HELL! This subject makes me go all fucking extremist on peoples' asses. I feel the need to prove to super-religious dumb fucks that religion is bullshit and put in place to give hopeless people hope and sort of a way of policing people so they can co-exist.
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I didn't read the whole thread either. Couldn't bring myself to. Ugghh. I could say so much but why waste my time. Finger is a drunk that has no business saying anything about how to be a good parent. I have been lurking long enough to see that. But that has been my experience with most religious people, in the US anyway....hypocrites. bleh

For what it is worth to all those young parents who aren't raising their children in some kind of religion...my sons are intelligent, thoughtful, have never been in trouble, are not drunks, and can think for themselves. Unprovoked not long ago, my oldest son thanked me for not indoctrinating him as a child. That was so awesome I can't tell you.
Example, folks...it was my point all along.

I only made a few posts to begin with and you guys pumped out seven pages of what?


Quite a few of you claimed to have never read the entire thread...and yet you had plenty to add. So how do you know so much about religion having never truly experienced it--and believe me, for every one of you that walked away from the practice of religion there are at least ten of you who have never even attempted to participate in it.

You guys demonstrate your lack of knowledge where I am concerned too. Claiming that I don't believe in dinosaurs? Oh please. And then going on to say that I'm a bad father when my little girl has been happy & healthy since day one of her existence. She has a stable home with loving parents who have been able to provide for her. Where's the problem? And don't give me that "you're a drunk" sh*t, either. I've been cold sober on here so many times when you've accused me of being drunk that you no longer accept the truth over your own lying bigotry. So there's some example for you guys...

Oh, and the question you never even attempted to answer was right there at the end of the initial post:
FngrBANG said:
So how am I denying my children the ability to decide for themselves?
^^^Here's the hint that I know you guys will ignore when trying to answer my question: Free Will is taught in most Christian faiths
Example, folks...it was my point all along.

I only made a few posts to begin with and you guys pumped out seven pages of what?


Quite a few of you claimed to have never read the entire thread...and yet you had plenty to add. So how do you know so much about religion having never truly experienced it--and believe me, for every one of you that walked away from the practice of religion there are at least ten of you who have never even attempted to participate in it.

You guys demonstrate your lack of knowledge where I am concerned too. Claiming that I don't believe in dinosaurs? Oh please. And then going on to say that I'm a bad father when my little girl has been happy & healthy since day one of her existence. She has a stable home with loving parents who have been able to provide for her. Where's the problem? And don't give me that "you're a drunk" sh*t, either. I've been cold sober on here so many times when you've accused me of being drunk that you no longer accept the truth over your own lying bigotry. So there's some example for you guys...

Oh, and the question you never even attempted to answer was right there at the end of the initial post:^^^Here's the hint that I know you guys will ignore when trying to answer my question: Free Will is taught in most Christian faiths

Are you that fucking dense that you really think that a concept like religion, that has only one purpose, to control the masses, is all about free will?
Right and wrong are purely subjective terms. The core of Religion is belief in a falsehood and thus cannot teach truth. Follow me?

I don't agree that right and wrong are purely subjective. I believe there is a universal morality to an extent. If a bunch of cannibals in South America decide it's kosher to break open babies' skulls with rocks, I'm not going to say it's ok as long as their society deems it to be right.

Your statement that religion is belief in a falsehood I agree with. However I don't think you can make the jump to "they therefore do not teach ethical truths" as the two are almost mutually exclusive. Moral truths can be derived from religion, but the opposite effect can also occur just like any other work of fiction.


For FNGR, I started questioning religion when I was about 17. I also went to Marquette University, took a couple of theology classes, and attended a bible study out of curiosity. If you really want to debate someone that's been inside religion though scrounge up this guy's e-mail.
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I don't agree that right and wrong are purely subjective. I believe there is a universal morality to an extent.

If a bunch of cannibals in South America decide it's kosher to break open babies' skulls with rocks, I'm not going to say it's ok as long as their society deems it to be right.

The second statement there contradicts your first.
Oh, and the question you never even attempted to answer was right there at the end of the initial post:^^^Here's the hint that I know you guys will ignore when trying to answer my question: Free Will is taught in most Christian faiths

No one really cares what religion you raise your child as but the idea that someone is denying their children any measure of moral values by not raising their children religious was a ridiculous statement and that's what the focus of this thread has been.
The second statement there contradicts your first.
How so?

I'm saying that I believe that there are universal rights and wrongs. Respect for the fellow human being is one of them. I would hold the cannibals in my example wrong not by my society's or their own morals, but the universal one. Entire societies can get things wrong was my point.
Free Will is taught in most Christian faiths

If there is free will why do I always here people talk about "God's plan?"

We have free will. If we don't, then why punish criminals? They can't help it. All part of God's plan.

Let's assume there is God but we have free will. That means God has no affect on our daily lives. Prayer is meaningless.

If so, then what's the point of God? He created stuff? Well, what created God? Many will say "well God has always been." Why do we need the middleman? What about "the universe has always been?"

Thus, I see no reason to believe in God anymore than fairies.
Example, folks...it was my point all along.

I only made a few posts to begin with and you guys pumped out seven pages of what?
guess what, this is not the first time anybody has pondered the subject of christianity and/or heard your retarded "holier than thou" logic/argument. we've all had a lifetime to experience first-hand that being a good person does not hinge on whether or not you believe in an invisible super force.

reality will hit you like a ton of bricks when your daughter gets older.
Really though, the only parents who take their children to church are the ones who lack confidence in their own parenting abilities. This most likely stems from their codependence with the church.
How so?

I'm saying that I believe that there are universal rights and wrongs. Respect for the fellow human being is one of them. I would hold the cannibals in my example wrong not by my society's or their own morals, but the universal one. Entire societies can get things wrong was my point.

Ah, so this means that you have a handle on a specific aspect of morality while an entire society can get it wrong?

Doesn't that remove the 'universality' aspect, as I said?

How can something be universal if it is, in fact, not practiced universally? If the idea of respect included not eating, the cannibals would never have developed their taste for long pork.
So how am I denying my children the ability to decide for themselves?

How telling is it that the only way to make sure your kids believe in the same things you do is to make it their base of relating to the world before they gain the ability to exercise independent judgement?