How I lost 16 lbs of stubborn fat

Don't weigh yourself often either, no more than once a week. You'll drive yourself insane watching your daily swings.
lol, i thought Giz had quoted himself

the problem isn't the caloric value of the HFCs compared to sugar, it's that it's in fucking everything. anything in the store that so much as mentions "value" in the name has enough corn syrup in a single serving to drown a small child.

A soda made with HFCS versus a soda made with Cane Sugar will have roughly the same amount of calories. I don't see the logic in your statement
GJ man!
i've been trying to lose weight but can't seem to drop that much.
The past couple months i have lost 5-8 lbs which has gotten me down to 178.

Honestly i think i just need to get some cardio in my daily routine, but i fucking hate running around as i feel like a moron jogging around outside.

I'm not that big but i want to lose the fat i have on my body and tone myself. My body hasn't been toned for years and years and years.

You are basically me, some years ago. Cardio isn't going to help. I hope you consider giving what I've outlined, and a few others have chimed in about, a try. If you do feel you need to get Cardio, try a jog.

However, there's a lot of research that shows that interval training is just as effective as sustained cardio bs, that everyone was saying you had to do, and just drove people batshit. Ultimately, in my experience that doesn't work anyways, and will not cause you to lose fat. It may cause you to lose weight, but it sounds like the problem is that your body is convinced that you are starving or about to starve, and it's going to convert whatever you eat to fat, and no amount of cardio will change that. In fact, right now, your body will go start burning your muscle off for energy.
Don't weigh yourself often either, no more than once a week. You'll drive yourself insane watching your daily swings.
I've weighed 250-260lbs for most of my adult life. My daily weight used to vary by about 2 or 3 pounds.

I dropped from about 260 to about 245 by changing my diet and by joining my college's marching band -- mostly filling my time so I wouldn't get bored and go eat. Now I've hit a wall. I know I have more to lose, I'm just not sure how to reduce my intake more.
A soda made with HFCS versus a soda made with Cane Sugar will have roughly the same amount of calories. I don't see the logic in your statement

"same caloric value as sugar", as per my quote

it's in everything "value" branded, as in foods that normally may not have been sweetened now are injected with HFCs.
Congrats on the weight loss, but you could have done it in a much easier way I'm sure. Running + leg and core exercises ftw. People take their legs for granted. They hop on the treadmill for the cardio aspect of it without taking into consideration that the strongest muscles in their bodies are the ones doing all the work: core and legs. The weight loss results from a cardio + core and legs workout routine are amazing.

I agree, and the exercise program I have done includes those ideas. However, it is also important for people to understand that if your metabolism isn't working well, your percentage of body fat will increase.

Also, running is something that a lot of people can't do as they get older. It stresses the joints a lot. The exercising I've done has basically no boring elements of running or jogging etc. at all.

I do agree with your points about core exercising + legs stuff, but that can be in doing various forms of yoga forms, some squats etc.
I wish I knew how to make decent tasting foods.

Like hamburger helper. I know the basics are simple: ground beef and noodles. How do you make a good but healthy sauce to go with that?
I lost about 30 pounds by just cutting back on fast food (being a college student, it's a bad habit) and making turkey sandwiches + some veggie (beans, brocoli, or something) as a side for dinner almost every night

It was boring and it gets old, but it worked. Of course I've gained like 8 of those pounds back now, because I got lazy and get tired of eating the same bland stuff every day.

No offense, but when I was in college, it didn't matter what I ate. I was a division 1 hockey player, and I ate anything that wasn't nailed down, because my biggest problem was trying to put weight on.

This is about what happens to you when you're a regular person with a job, kids, related stresses, down the road, when your body produces less and less of the hormones and things that are a natural part of being youthful.
"same caloric value as sugar", as per my quote

it's in everything "value" branded, as in foods that normally may not have been sweetened now are injected with HFCs.

I see.

My point is, HFCS is used for economical reasons. If sugar were more lucrative, people would hate Sugar as much as they now do HFCS. IMO, people are placing blame on the wrong subject.

Manufacturers goal is to get their product a certain sweetness level, regardless of which food product (hfcs, sugar, etc) they use to get it there. Manufacturers tend to make their food products too sweet (in my opinion) thus raising the caloric value.

The point is, the only person you can blame is yourself because the calories are staring you in the face on every food product you buy.
I've been having the hardest time trying to lose some bodyfat. I'm by no means fat - I lift weights like a maniac but probably have a slightly higher body fat percentage than I'd like. I'm 5'9" 190 lbs. I'd say my bodyfat is around 18% and I would like to get this to around 12%.

After reading what you said, I'd guess that my biggest flaw right now is my diet. I don't necessarily eat unhealthy things - I drink nothing but water, eat chicken breast for dinner, a can of tuna here and there. I do, however, skip on breakfast in order to get a few extra minutes of sleep before work. I also buy lunch every day while at work.

I'm thinking about eating a bowl of oatmeal in the morning and substituting my current lunch for a can of tuna and mixed nuts every day. Hopefully then I'll see some changes.
Don't weigh yourself often either, no more than once a week. You'll drive yourself insane watching your daily swings.

I think you asked about my age earlier, Fool. I don't want to say exactly, but I'm older than 40, so that's hopefully a good ballpark. Exactly how close to 50, i'll keep as a secret, but it's not relevant in my opinion to the rest of my comments.

Personally, I weigh myself every day, and interestingly enough I've had absolutely no swings in weight. On my binge day, when I weight myself the following day, I haven't gained a pound, and go -- oh shit, now I gotta work off that pound. In my mind that has been the beauty of this -- it's been a steady sustained change, and even a minor lapse here or there, or a meal out that violates some of the rules, hasn't seemed to matter at all.
I think you asked about my age earlier, Fool. I don't want to say exactly, but I'm older than 40, so that's hopefully a good ballpark. Exactly how close to 50, i'll keep as a secret, but it's not relevant in my opinion to the rest of my comments.

Personally, I weigh myself every day, and interestingly enough I've had absolutely no swings in weight. On my binge day, when I weight myself the following day, I haven't gained a pound, and go -- oh shit, now I gotta work off that pound. In my mind that has been the beauty of this -- it's been a steady sustained change, and even a minor lapse here or there, or a meal out that violates some of the rules, hasn't seemed to matter at all.
The way you said that makes me guess you're 46+
"same caloric value as sugar", as per my quote

it's in everything "value" branded, as in foods that normally may not have been sweetened now are injected with HFCs.

Exactly, it's put in everything crappy now. So if you avoid it you don't get it in excess.

Yeah it's good in moderation but if you are trying to save money by buying cheap stuff you get more than you realize.
I've been having the hardest time trying to lose some bodyfat. I'm by no means fat - I lift weights like a maniac but probably have a slightly higher body fat percentage than I'd like. I'm 5'9" 190 lbs. I'd say my bodyfat is around 18% and I would like to get this to around 12%.

After reading what you said, I'd guess that my biggest flaw right now is my diet. I don't necessarily eat unhealthy things - I drink nothing but water, eat chicken breast for dinner, a can of tuna here and there. I do, however, skip on breakfast in order to get a few extra minutes of sleep before work. I also buy lunch every day while at work.

I'm thinking about eating a bowl of oatmeal in the morning and substituting my current lunch for a can of tuna and mixed nuts every day. Hopefully then I'll see some changes.

You got it. What has happened is that your body is storing fat, regardless of exercise. You're having huge swings in your blood sugar levels. Definately do the things you were thinking, and I'd suggest stocking up on a protein or balance bar of your choice, which you can eat at mid day when you are feeling really hungry. See if that doesn't start to turn things around.
The way you said that makes me guess you're 46+

Good guess but no, I'm younger than that.

Your body changes a lot when you hit thresholds -- 30, 34, 40 etc. I think admitting that I'm 40 should indicate to everyone who is younger, that if this stuff works well for a guy who's 40+ it sure as hell could work for me, if I'm 35 or even 25. At 35 I was playing A level Adult Ice hockey in 2 mens leagues 3-4 nights a week. I was stronger than I am now, no debate about it, and probably more fit, but I know that I was carrying around more body fat.
higher metabolism = shorter life span.

and more meals per day being better is a myth.
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higher metabolism = shorter life span.

and more meals per day being better is a myth.

Never heard about the higher metabolism thing. At this rate I'll live to 120.

More full meals or more smaller meals? I always read it kept your blood sugar from rollercoastering and making you crash. My uncle needed to eat smaller meals because he was an irritable bastard when his blood sugar was down.