Date of first race riot?

If Bush wasn't assassinated I can hardly see that happening to Obama.

Don't know why idiots always say that about him being elected.
In case you haven't been paying attention, middle America is proclaiming that he is either a muslim terrorist that is going to destroy the country from within, or the anti-Christ come to destroy the world.

You might have difficulty hearing that, though. The cries of "kill him!" and "communist!" sort of drown that out.

And in case you're having difficulty making the connection, middle America doesn't want to kill George Bush because he is a rich, white Christian.
Yes, because an assasination is limited to middle America and US soil at that.

Look at the bigger picture and try replying again moron.
This thread is intended to be a record and resource for people that would like to predict, bet on, or welch on bets fraggle style in regards to the date of the first impending race riot.

If Obama loses, African-Americans across the nation will riot.

If Obama wins, some redneck will undoubtedly assassinate him, thereby causing African-Americans to riot.


didn't I make this thread already?
I think it's far more likely that Bush is assassinated before Obama get's elected (look what happened to every other president elected in a year that ends in zero).

Two attempts were made on Bush's life.

And remember: Bush didn't even have the "rednecks with 10,000 guns, no education, and a truckload of fear" constituency gunning for him.
Two attempts were made on Bush's life.

And remember: Bush didn't even have the "rednecks with 10,000 guns, no education, and a truckload of fear" constituency gunning for him.

Too bad. I bet they could have got it done with sheer numbers alone.

Oh, and I am a foreign citizen, and have no plans to assassinate your glorious leader, so please don't send the Secret Service.
If Bush wasn't assassinated I can hardly see that happening to Obama.

Don't know why idiots always say that about him being elected.

No one assassinated bush because they didn't want Chenny to be president.
I said that Obama had no chance to win back before McCain completely fucked up his campaign.

He had a sure fire win. He didn't need to do anything. Rather than exploiting that, he decided to run the most inept and disastrous campaign that I have ever seen. He is a failure of Nixon-esque proportions.
Somebody needs to review what "no chance" means.

You were, and still are, crying about how racist America is and how they'd never accept a black president. And all it took was a poorly run campaign to completely reverse this?

In a few months you'll be maintaining that Obama would've been assassinated, but the plotters the most disorganized bunch of rednecks that you've ever seen. As if that'll exempt you from being wrong.
Somebody needs to review what "no chance" means.

You were, and still are, crying about how racist America is and how they'd never accept a black president. And all it took was a poorly run campaign to completely reverse this?

In a few months you'll be maintaining that Obama would've been assassinated, but the plotters the most disorganized bunch of rednecks that you've ever seen. As if that'll exempt you from being wrong.

With Kurayami's attention to detail he could lead a successful attempt.