[Job etiquette] Boss takes long lunches


Veteran XV
I just started a job last week. It's a campus job, part of my financial aid for college. I move computers around computer labs, down to storage, and put new ones in. Lots of simple physical labor.

There's 2 people I work with: one's my boss, and one's another student who's been here for 1 year. I'm doing fine in this job, except I feel kinda odd when they leave for lunch around 11:40 and don't get back till 1:20 sometimes. They invite me along, but usually I just stay here and eat my lunch from home (can't really afford $10 a day for lunch)

I'm very used to the lock-step mentality at Safeway, where 30-minute lunches are common and people start calling for you to come back after about 25 minutes. I keep waiting for someone higher up to yell at me to get to work, and I would go and do something except they haven't told me what to do yet.

New job
Boss (and coworker) take 1.5 hr lunches
I feel like I should be working, not waiting for them to get back.
Welcome to an IT job, all of mine have been that way. Why complain? Usually you still get the same amount of hours as if you only took a normal lunch. Enjoy your extra time.
1 hour is usually the norm, you're not used to it yet.

Them taking 1.5 hours is not good, but everyone cheats a little. I hear you on paying $10 a day for eating at a restaurant. I do it every now and then. They're probably cheating so they don't have to wait in line for food. If they go at 11:40, they beat the crowd, then come back at 1:10pm which is 10 minutes late. As long as they're doing their job, no one is going to complain about that.

Showing up to work on time matters, that's important. In most rants about someone losing their job, they ramble on, then say they were 5 minutes late to work. That's what got them fired. Always get to work on time.

Maybe you can go to lunch with them on a Friday every now and then. But I agree, lunch is usually $10, and it's more than enough food which is why Americans are fat.

If you don't want to eat, drive to park, under a shade tree, and take a nap. That's what I do every day. I automatically wake up after 15 minutes. Listen to the AM talk shows, then drive back to work.
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I got back to this office at about 11:30

sat down, coworker was on digg, getting ready to goto lunch

I sat down, started whoring tw

some chick came in, couldn't log in or something, boss came in and heard about it, went with her, came back 10min later

boss and coworker went to lunch

now it's 1:25 and they're still not back.
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I typically don't even take a lunch at work, the day is usually to busy to stop and if I do stop I have to play catch up when I come back. My colleagues however will forward their phones to me and sit in the office for exactly 1 hour, even if they are shorter. I shouldn't grope since I usually end up poaching rental deals they get.

My point is that this is common.
I take a long lunch and play 9 holes of golf with a buddy like once a month and nobody cares.

But I usually only take like 20 minutes for lunch so nobody really cares that much.
I just started a job last week. It's a campus job, part of my financial aid for college. I move computers around computer labs, down to storage, and put new ones in. Lots of simple physical labor.

There's 2 people I work with: one's my boss, and one's another student who's been here for 1 year. I'm doing fine in this job, except I feel kinda odd when they leave for lunch around 11:40 and don't get back till 1:20 sometimes. They invite me along, but usually I just stay here and eat my lunch from home (can't really afford $10 a day for lunch)

I'm very used to the lock-step mentality at Safeway, where 30-minute lunches are common and people start calling for you to come back after about 25 minutes. I keep waiting for someone higher up to yell at me to get to work, and I would go and do something except they haven't told me what to do yet.

New job
Boss (and coworker) take 1.5 hr lunches
I feel like I should be working, not waiting for them to get back.

That mindset wears off quickly enough.
When in Rome is very applicable.

We had an englishmen come for an audit, we feted him at the local pub.
I downed three beers and then realized I was drinking pints.
We threw darts at the ceiling and I got a promotion for cinching the contract - it was a good audit.