I moved to Wisconsin [pics]


Veteran XX
will only provide Cliffs (since you all have the attention span of gnats)

-Girl writes to me asking for more details on Big Horn mountain range- she wants to come to Wyoming and explore it.

- Correspondence with girl gets friendlier as months go by

- Girl comes to Wyoming, we climb all over the Big Horn range

- Vanster falls in love, quits job, packs shit, moves to Wisconsin

- ??

- Profit.


My Dad's oldest brother, Dutch. Of 11 children, he and Dad are the last 2 alive. We aren't genetically related (I was adopted) but it's funny how his (Crow) and my (N. Arapaho) noses are still similar and huge. Jews got nothing on natives when it comes to big noses. (edit: Mary took this picture. Dad's side of the fam had a reunion, and I took her.)

Mary and some girl she works with in Miami.

Mary on Dad's ranch. Big Horn mountain range is in the bg.

Base camp, Ten Sleep creek. This is where we started, about 6k feet or so.

Lady and I looking at a small drop on upper Ten Sleep Creek.

Mary, same place, different perspective.

me, Bomber ridge in the bg, probably about 10K feet.

Climbing a terminal moraine. A lot of the geology in Wyoming was formed by glaciers during the last ice age.

Higher yet. This is about 11K or so. . the glacial till makes it very slow going.

Close to the summit, maybe 12K feet or so. Very cold, very windy, lots of snow. Sucked because my sweat started freezing.

Some other half-dome and ridge, dunno what it's called.

No pics of the top

On the way down, we saw lots of these anticline-syncline formations. pretty neat, really.

Packed things, started heading to Wisconsin. Stopped in Sturgis and bought Harley T-shirt at the Harley Davidson outlet there. I'm a baller.

And Wall Drug

The guy with the cane started talking to me for some reason. He was from W. Virginia, and had his wife take a picture of him and me so when he got back "I can show my friends that I met a real live Indian." hah.

This is the building where the Republican party was formed. It's about 100 meters from our house. I took this picture just especially so that Badmofo, Bodyshot, Triple, Zodiak and the rest would be insanely jealous of me.

Anticipating questions:

-She's 10 months older than me.

-She kayaks, mountain bikes, climbs, hikes, camps, et cetera. She's in very good physical shape and I really couldn't imagine a better playmate. She does everything I do, except more awesomely.

-She is an R.N. by profession (close to 20 years or some shit)

-She is a total hippie- liberal, doesn't wear makeup, hugs trees, has an organic garden in her back yard, she cuts her grass with an old fashioned push mower (no engine), is a vegetarian, no smoking, no drugs, no alcohol. On the down side, she is making me eat tofu, goats milk, raw spinach and all kinds of other shit that she eats. :( She tells me I have to get my cholesterol checked (I've never had it done).

And there you have it. I live in Wisconsin, and that's why.
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I'm not sure I'd leave WY for WI for any reason.
But good luck, I guess.

You will regret bringing this here, though.
Better than I was expecting tonto. I still hope her pussy is worth dropping everything for.
At first, I was going to mock and ridicule you. However, she's pretty hot for an ugly injun like yourself to land. Good job.

I'm not sure I'd leave WY for WI for any reason.
But good luck, I guess.

You will regret bringing this here, though.

oh I know some of the responses already. I don't care, because she is the most fascinating, coolest, kick-assingest human being I've ever met, outside of my Dad.

There are only a couple of people (that I know of) that hate me on this forum- badmofo, orbital, Triple, fufu, Isuk (see a pattern here?) so it's not like their opinion matters to anybody.

In other news, she has made noises about doing part of the App trail later this summer. Kura, if you want to, you can come with us for part of it. She's directing, so I already know it's going to be a blast.
Yuck, no thanks....

-She is a total hippie- liberal, doesn't wear makeup, hugs trees, has an organic garden in her back yard, she cuts her grass with an old fashioned push mower (no engine), is a vegetarian, no smoking, no drugs, no alcohol. On the down side, she is making me eat tofu, goats milk, raw spinach and all kinds of other shit that she eats. She tells me I have to get my cholesterol checked (I've never had it done).