let us have a fireside chat.


in this thread I will share my thoughts with tribalwar. As they come.

Thought 1:
I like vaginas
I also like breasts.
Natalie Imbruglia is hot and probably has a nice vagina.

Thought 2:
I don't like this "limon" shit.

More to come.
Gotta love Kura drunk threads.

Let's hear more fdr
I feel that HEAT is superior to HESH, although i do not have anything to back this up.

I feel that south Kinsman is underrated.

i feel that the united states lags far behind the rest of the world in terms of mass transit and that establishing effective mass transit would be a good step towards ending dependence on foreign oil.

i feel that if i were rich, iw ould probably be able to fuck natalie imbruglia

i feel that the Ju-87G was a piece of shit
no matter what mad rebel says
faggot RLM should have pushed the Ju-287 through.

More to come.
am 19, when i was 15 i found a cyst the doctor said it was a nothing thing to just ignore it.. so i did for a few years, then the pain started up again when i was 17, so i went to the doc and they told me to go see a urologist, and i did. and it was a cyst.. but when i went to get an ultrasound they focused on the OTHER testie... i didn't know why till they said i had a tumor in the other one, ...a tumor that i couldn't see, feel, or touch, it was inside.. plus the cyst on the other one, so they rushed a surgury on me and they had to takle out the whole ball, now i still have the cyst.. and it still hurts sometimes and i still only have that one ball so i dont want to have to get rid of that too..
Kurayami said:
i feel that the united states lags far behind the rest of the world in terms of mass transit and that establishing effective mass transit would be a good step towards ending dependence on foreign oil.


Something Kura said that I agree with :)
other thoughts:

gta is overrated

hick accents sound stupid on men
but they sound cute on girls
especially when they're dumb

red headed women + blue/green eyes #1
black haired women + blue eyes #2
brunettes #3 (bonus points for blue/green eyes)
blondes #4

the conflict in iraq has been horribly mismanaged
the dod learned nothing from vietnam
i could have done a better job.
the us will never recover its former economic status
ggs republican administration and democratic party too fucking incompetent to oust one of the most unpopular presidents since nixon
I remember that once I asked you what dirt you had on me

you said all you knew was I was an ati fanboy
drunk kura: should i install vista
probably not
i've never used it

but i've used every other microsoft os
and while you will eventually be forced to upgrade, sticking with xp for another year isn't going to kill you

unless you need dx 10

btw lindsay gigafool
how do you like living in vernon
I remember that once I asked you what dirt you had on me

you said all you knew was I was an ati fanboy

now i know that you are a karate dork and are chronically depressed

but i don't hold it against you
you seem like an ok guy
but i do sort of want to smack you for living near the cascades and not taking advantage of that every weekend
i like vernon so far

everything is a lot more accessible than it was in willington. i kind of like being close to everything, including 2 supermarkets and a bogners.

and there are lots of ways to bypass traffic

plus it is not like manchester where everything is flat and looks the same, but also not like ellington where everything smells like shit.