Have you had your 15 minutes of fame?


Veteran X
Were you in the papers, tv or internet? I was famous in Pittsburgh for about 1 day. Now, that and a buck will get me a cup of coffee.

What is the biggest thing that you have done to be proud of?

If you show me yours I will show you mine. heh

I'll see if I can dig one up online, but this was the 1970s so it's probably been forgotten in history. My mom has it framed in her house. I always wanted to throw it in the fireplace. If I manage to make it over there today I'll take a photo and post it here.
During high school one of the coaches got cancer and in a show of community support people put signs and shit along the main roadway (which happened to be right in front of the practice field).

The local newspaper wrote a piece on it and managed to snap a picture of the signs and shit while we were on the field and I had my arm digging through my pads so I could scratch my balls. I made the front page.

Coach was not amused.
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The local newspaper wrote a piece on it and managed to snap a picture of the signs and shit while we were on the field and I had my arm digging through my pads so I could scratch my balls. I made the front page.

Coach was not amused.

Were you in the papers, tv or internet? I was famous in Pittsburgh for about 1 day. Now, that and a buck will get me a cup of coffee.

What is the biggest thing that you have done to be proud of?

What was your famous moment in Pissburg?

I have not had my 15 minutes of fame yet.
Yes. My mom stepped between a stabbing victim and the assailant. He had stabbed her and broken off 2 knives inside of her and was going for a third when my mom got there. She managed to get the victim to safety and calm the assailant down (he had 3x the legal limit of alcohol and was hopped up on Valium and painkillers as well) until the police came to arrest him. She would not talk to the press so I did newspaper and TV interviews for her for well over a week.
Yes. My mom stepped between a stabbing victim and the assailant. He had stabbed her and broken off 2 knives inside of her and was going for a third when my mom got there. She managed to get the victim to safety and calm the assailant down (he had 3x the legal limit of alcohol and was hopped up on Valium and painkillers as well) until the police came to arrest him. She would not talk to the press so I did newspaper and TV interviews for her for well over a week.
That is crazy as hell.
I've been shown close-up on ESPN four or five times when Marshall has had games televised.


This is actually 2005 @ Kansas State on Fox Sportsnet.

Its easy to get on TV when you dress head to toe in obnoxious kelly green.