[help me decide] Healing Class

While I've enjoyed playing my Shaman thus far in PvP, I agree with the above. The class is without question the worst in terms of survivability. People focus fire you like crazy. I'm resto at the moment with about 200 resilience (just hit 70 about 1.5 weeks ago), but I can never sit back and buff/heal despite that being the most efficient way to spend my mana given my talents. I always get picked out of a crowd, with people switching targets to me more or less immediately... Even if it's detrimental to their winning the fight. So rather than be the pacifist healer in the back, I play very aggressively and try to kill off a few of my threats as quickly as possible. With Earth Shield I live quite a while, but a 1v1 is almost always joined by an ally or another enemy before it's decided.

The class is the worst, overall, in terms of holding its own in small scale PvP, but the benefits to groups tend to make up for it at least in 5v5. In 2v2 I'd be better off as a Pally or Druid. (My 2v2 team is Shaman + Lock atm.)
the difference between having 200 resil and 400 resil is amazing. Having about 10.5k unbuffed Hp and 400 resil (MS warrior is my 2v2 partner, w/commanding shout have over 12k HP) with natures swiftness, earthshield and natures guardien I find my self to be pretty hard to kill. Obviously a paldin is wayyy better im not gonna argue that. 5v5 its pretty much line of site enemys, keep totems down the best you can and try and throw a heal now and then.
I rerolled a pally for PvP healing, I am very happy with it, although the ease at which i can be shut down for long periods of time by mages/locks is annoying, but im fairly happy :)
I keep saying alot of good holy-disc priests/holy paladins/elemental shamans in 5v5 arena, the higher i get in 5v5, druids are scarce, rogues don't exist, and hunters are rare

I'd roll priest or paladin, just my 2cents

druids are scarce period though... at least according to realm stats. and ya, i know pali's are the best healers for 5v5... but man does what they do look boring as fuck... at least in the 1800s (from the pov of my mage whose job is to interrupt them and cc the warr), they just spam the same shit throughout the whole match without moving... and im hearing of impending nerfs from this thread.
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So what you're saying is the best class in WoW is the one that doesn't exist? Don't be another retard shaman that thinks CC is the solution.

Really? you're telling me that no class in this game can prevent CC or deal CC better then the shaman class? They're all on par, are they?

So if you took Sap, cheapshot, kidney shot, cloak of shadows, improved kick, improved garrote, blind, gouge, vanish and improved sprint away from a rogue, they'd still be just as good because CC doesn't mean shit all in PvP?

What I was saying was that each class has a varying degree of how much they CC or how much they can get out of CC, and the shaman class is at the bottom of that list. And in a big enough group, you're right... a shaman can get by without those things, because everyone else he's with can cover him. Which only strengthens the point that CC is worth it's weight in gold so to speak.
OK, a paladin can:


And if you're getting trained in a 5v5 there's a 99% chance there's a priest standing there waiting to time a mass dispel right when you go below 20% so it lasts no longer than a second.

Or freedom and run around pillars, but even then, with a warrior on you and a shaman or mage interrupting any spells the melee miss, you won't get any heals off.


And I should mention, most of the time a paladin's bubble is used in 5v5 is to get out of CC (fear) or avoid a counterspell, not to avoid an assist train.
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I have a resto shaman alt with a mix of first and second season pvp gear.

It is really fun to play in BG's. It's nice to have 5 bluebies beating on you, and you simply won't die.

But for pure arena healing, nothing beats a Paladin. Immune shield healing, and blessing of freedom are so key to winning.
I have a holy priest but I dont do arenas. But prayer of mending is like the best spell ever. Especially with a warlock/shadowpriest who dots everyone....it just bounces around. I love the sound...music to my ears :)
if you want to do both i suggest pally, because it is the only one that translates v well without respeccing too much

for raiding and topping eff healing charts it is easily a resto shaman

for pvp priest is easily the best for healing

as far as general fun goes a tree druid i think would be fun as shit due to no cast times etc
i only skimmed through most of this, since it looked like ppl arguing about shamans (which i don't really care about), but i figured i'd toss in my two cents

ppl i played w/ who played pallies got really bored. all they did was heal. they often ended up on other ppl's chars for fucking around w/. if you needed to do something other than heal for an instance or whatever, they were kinda fucked. i know a guy who basically stopped mining/herbing cause it took too long to kill mobs when they aggroed and it got really tedious

i played a druid and loved it. for 50g, you could respec to whatever style of play you wanted. i could tank for whatever heroic/raid, then go respec and heal for pvp/arena that same night. you can tank/dps/solo farm all in one tree. if i had to go farm for something, i didn't need to get another person to come help me w/ it.

druid is one of the better healers for 2v2/3v3 cause of the insta heals and survivability. lifebloom is one of the, if the not, best heals in the game. heals per mana is ridiculous. in only semi-decent gear, it's basically a 2k+ heal for 200 mana or something. plus a large portion of that heal is crittable.
if a druid gets silenced, they can still shift and do shit. so even then you aren't totally shut down.
cyclone is of course ridiculous in small fights. it can be used to take healers out of the game, but also to take a healer's target out of the game (like when pally's bubble, just cyclone their teammate)

5v5 you aren't quite as strong as some of the other healers, i don't think. you can get too easily shut down when you get trained. your defense mechanism is your forms, basically. you can't heal while you're in bear form. likewise, if you're in travel form trying to kite around terrain, you can't cast. so it's that much easier to take your contributions out of the fight. we're fairly squishy in caster form ;_;

bg'ing is fun. you can just run around as you please, travel form makes it easier to get away from fights for surviving, innervate can give you that little extra mana in those drawn out fights. if defense is your thing for c&h, esp as resto, you can survive a pretty long while and annoy the fuck outta ppl while you just hold your node. of course you can stealth around and be sneaky and grab nodes out from under ppl. there's a lot you can do

druid is ridiculously versatile, if you get bored w/ one aspect of the class, just respec and go do something else for a few hours/days/weeks whatever

that's all i'll say, except that someone said a druid is still a decent tank w/o mangle. that's not true. but if you're tanking, there's no reason to not go all the way up the feral tree. since you can spec feral, lvling solo is hella easy. questing is never an issue

wow.... after previewing that, it's a lot of text. basically just says druid is fun ^_^
btw tree is dumb. but the dance is pretty much the best one put in the game. hands down. i still don't understand the movement snare though
I would say pally 1st, druid 2nd, priest 3rd, shammy 4th.

One thing i noticed about your Druid cons is the easily CC missing. While you can't sheep a druid, you can fear the living shit out of one. When I heavily area'd as a warlock I would drool when I saw a druid, because it was basically game over. Sure they could try to chain cyclone me, but I'll get a deathcoil off and then bye bye.

Imo it depends on who you play with. all classes benifit from different healers. A druid with cloth isn't as effective as other because the dots don't heal fast enough to keep them alive, especially vs a warrior or rogue. Pallys are great with melee to give BoF. And so on.

I really think that the pros and cons you listed are pretty close, and you should just play what makes you happiest(no pun intended). My advice is ask ppl you know if u can mess around on their pally/druid/priest and see if you like it, see if you can see yourself playing that fulltime.

edit: i'm actually having this same debate because I have a 20 pally and 34 druid, not sure which to zoom to 70 with. leaning towards pally.
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I would say pally 1st, druid 2nd, priest 3rd, shammy 4th.

One thing i noticed about your Druid cons is the easily CC missing. While you can't sheep a druid, you can fear the living shit out of one. When I heavily area'd as a warlock I would drool when I saw a druid, because it was basically game over. Sure they could try to chain cyclone me, but I'll get a deathcoil off and then bye bye.

Imo it depends on who you play with. all classes benifit from different healers. A druid with cloth isn't as effective as other because the dots don't heal fast enough to keep them alive, especially vs a warrior or rogue. Pallys are great with melee to give BoF. And so on.

I really think that the pros and cons you listed are pretty close, and you should just play what makes you happiest(no pun intended). My advice is ask ppl you know if u can mess around on their pally/druid/priest and see if you like it, see if you can see yourself playing that fulltime.

edit: i'm actually having this same debate because I have a 20 pally and 34 druid, not sure which to zoom to 70 with. leaning towards pally.

thats a 1v1 perspective though... i know locks rape druids, its paper-rock-scissors. however being cc'ed is only a (notable) problem against warlocks, as opposed to snare, poly, etc immunity vs other classes.

if paly had some sort of aoe or hot healing itd be a much clearer decision for me... i'd never see myself as a primary healer as a druid in 5v5 though for the reasons you listed, rather as an offhealer / cc'er with pali or priest as the primary. i see a few resto druids in the top 10 (bloodlust) and i figure thats their function as well.

... anyway i think ive narrowed it down to druid or paly
- not priest for other reasons outside this thread (friends and arena buddies already rolling em, guild having too many, etc)
- not shammy for reasons stated in this thread

im slightly leaning toward druid but from a biased perspective of playing a (belf) mage who makes a pali's life miserable but has the toughest time dealing with a druid :)
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i understand, lore/rpg wise why the snare is in game. from a playability stance, it doesn't make sense. i know it's good in pve, i used to have it for raiding when i was playing more regularly. it makes it a pretty useless ability for pvp though, esp when you consider the cost of shifting

One thing i noticed about your Druid cons is the easily CC missing. While you can't sheep a druid, you can fear the living shit out of one. When I heavily area'd as a warlock I would drool when I saw a druid, because it was basically game over. Sure they could try to chain cyclone me, but I'll get a deathcoil off and then bye bye.

Imo it depends on who you play with. all classes benifit from different healers. A druid with cloth isn't as effective as other because the dots don't heal fast enough to keep them alive, especially vs a warrior or rogue. Pallys are great with melee to give BoF. And so on.

uh, druids are actually one of the better healers against chain cc simply BECAUSE of hots... with abilities like swiftmend and lifebloom's pop heal, druids deal pretty well with long cc, since they are still healing while cc'd. all it takes is a half sec to pop another insta hot if the other team lets that cc drop for a split second. once cc breaks, druids are then able to pop a pretty hefty heal on top after having healed all that time. swiftmend crits will fill your life bar pretty quick

also, just because druids don't have BoF doesn't mean they aren't a good partner for melee. warrs actually do really well w/ druids. druids have the mobility/toughness to stay alive if they get targetted, and warrs obviously have the dmg output. if a druid gets cc'd, the warr (esp w/ the help of hots) has the durability to last

having played a druid, i honestly wouldn't ever want to play a pally. the practical roles for a pally are just so few. you heal, you heal, and you heal. sure you stun and judge ppl, bless your friends, dispel. but it's pretty bland. even if a druid is specced resto, you can cc, use your feral forms (feral charge, bash, maim, etc). there's a lot to do. and if you get tired of healing, you can just respec