Sierra shutting down legacy multiplayer incl. Starsiege:Tribes

To save the Tribes master servers, ok. To make a true successor and buying the Tribes IP, even better than okay. You're not very clear on which one.
I think I speak for most here when I say this:

Tribes has ruined all other games, and until I get another Tribes or at least a tribes-like game that's worth playing, I live like a zombie in a purgatory game world.

So please, get involved, finish legions, make us competitive asshole fucks come alive again. For the love of Tribes.

My sentiments exactly. I would be all about GG rolling in and saving the day!
hell id even accept T1 with better graphics, a more up-to-date hud (that was still moddable, of course), all the original maps and a few new official maps as well.
that'd be pretty bitchin i think
great so by the time i get back to the states and am able to play my favorite game ever, i will have nonstop 6 days of playing time

GarageGames, I support what ever you think you can do to give me something to do when i´m not eating, sleeping, drinking, studying, or fucking.

-E. Waffle
Oh, and for those who have said that if they made a T1 remake with upgraded graphics that it would arouse interest I'd have to disagree. A lot of the people who were really involved in the early Tribes community have since moved on to bigger and better things. Basically, the kids who were able to play in high school and college have grown up. I started playing T1 when I was either 15 or 16, and I'm 23 now working on a Master's degree and playing in a band. I just don't have time to dedicate to video games the way I once did. The only video games I play nowadays are things I am already comfortable with such as CS, Fifa, etc.

To make another successful Tribes game the developers would need to focus on a different market because I don't think they would get enough life out of the remnants of the current Tribes community. Obviously there would be interest but I still think a lot of people have moved on and aren't going to look back.
Oh, and for those who have said that if they made a T1 remake with upgraded graphics that it would arouse interest I'd have to disagree. A lot of the people who were really involved in the early Tribes community have since moved on to bigger and better things. Basically, the kids who were able to play in high school and college have grown up. I started playing T1 when I was either 15 or 16, and I'm 23 now working on a Master's degree and playing in a band. I just don't have time to dedicate to video games the way I once did. The only video games I play nowadays are things I am already comfortable with such as CS, Fifa, etc.

To make another successful Tribes game the developers would need to focus on a different market because I don't think they would get enough life out of the remnants of the current Tribes community. Obviously there would be interest but I still think a lot of people have moved on and aren't going to look back.

This is the age-old argument. The point some people are trying to make is that if you make Tribes with better graphics, it will satisfy the old crowd as well as the new crowd of teens and college kids who want a high-impact, fast-paced game.

*edit* My thoughts on game development is that if you want to make a fun game, you make a game that YOU want to play. Not what everyone else wants. Obviously this doesn't always make a blockbuster hit, but it sure creates more fun games out there.
I came into "work" at GarageGames this morning and read the news, not a good way to start your day -- Tribes to be Killed. Looked down and realized I was wearing my Tribes "Ski Team" Athletic Dept shirt ...humm a sign.

I cannot make any promises, I have not even talked to anyone here about this yet although I am sure there will be supporters of the idea.

If you are interested please post here it will help us gauge demand.



yeah i demand
Viv lied Tribes died
I just woke up. Now I'm going to go back and read what the fuck we're going to do about this. We got to get hold of the Master Server to bring new peps in until the big revival.... it'll happen, someday kids will get bored walking on the ground, hiding, and shooting people in the head.
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tribes players can all start playing tribes 2 until they take that away... then one day, we're all gonna have to resort to... Trives vegrances :[
I didn't read past the first page, but all this means is that the server listing won't work unless someone else hosts it and you change it to that ip. If you still have the pubs bookmarked, you can still check their ips and join up and play.

In other words, it's not really a big deal.