Maddest you ever got playing a video game?

CS:S still is probably the best at making me temporarily insane. I've never broken shit but sometimes my pillows feel my full wrath. I don't play WoW or T1 anymore.
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either playing burnout when you are clearly a fucking hundred miles ahead of the cars behind you, but if you knick a wall wrong you fucking crash for .5 a second and suddenly you're in last place

i almost broke my fucking xbox controller so many times playing that shit

even still it's probably my fav xbox game
God of War fighting the minotaur on God mode.

I'm still angry about that shit.

oh yeah god of war

the minotaur was pretty easy

have you beaten the last challenge where you have to fight the 2 satyrs on the platform that rises at an inch an hour

i think i broke my friend's ps2 controller
oh yeah god of war

the minotaur was pretty easy

have you beaten the last challenge where you have to fight the 2 satyrs on the platform that rises at an inch an hour

i think i broke my friend's ps2 controller

poseidon + lift attacks.

3 maybe 4 minutes tops/
I had been consistently owning my neighbors at Tekken 3 and had recently learned Hwoarang's 10-hit combo and thought I was the shit. My neighbor came outta nowhere with some key combo busters and fucking gorilla stomped me. In a fit of rage I threw a fist at the wall and my hand landed right between the studs and right through the drywall. I covered it up with a poster. My mom didn't find it until a few years later.
Ridge Racer on the PS1, trying to beat the black lamborghini. I was so fucking good at that game (or at least I thought so) that I could ace every course with perfect slides. It took me about 4 non-stop hours of playing to beat that one race, one tiny mistake even on the last turn and it was all over.

Karateka on the C64 was also notorious for making my friends and I cuss up a storm. One life to complete the entire game, you die and you start over from the first step. So many times we would get to the last boss and die, usually from that fucking bird. The game pace was so slow, it played at like 1 frame per second, and it took 3 - 4 frames for every input to register, so you couldn't stop once started a kick or something like that.
I've never been so angry that I've acted out at a video game. I've been frustrated plenty of times, but that's all passed fairly quickly. I don't understand how someone would be so angry at a computer that they would break something. :shrug: