Marweas still hasnt told us about getting fired

That's correct. I'm talking about the final map pack.

And...btw...I didn't intend a slam at T:V before...that's just the only things I could remember about the little time I spent with the game.
the truth is never a 'slam'; even though sometimes it feels like one.

Btw, this has been a phenominal thread. This is the sort of thread that a magazine issue should be based on. Where are those old games you used to play?!
Fling :D

Somebody may make a tribes like game some day (talk to GotMilk?) but I think the Tribes franchise is 99.99% dead.

[strike]So I guess that's saying also, that the Tribes IP can never be bought either? :[[/strike]

As far as getting Vivendi to relinquish the Tribes IP, look, it's just an asset to them like any other. All assets have value, so if you're serious about wanting to buy it, they'd seriously be interested in selling it.

I would imagine the going price would be in the millions of dollars though. Otherwise it's just not worth it for a big corporation to spend the time drafting legal documents and such.

But I bet you could buy the entire Tribes IP, including source code for Tribes 1 and 2, for under $4 million.

Just a guess. Disclaimer: I haven't worked for Vivendi in about 18 months.

I guess I should finishing reading this 1000 page thread before posting ..
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We talked long about making a Hertzog Zwei type Tribes Console RTS. Would have kicked ass, and done correctly could have sold big units too. Never got close to a prototype, because nobody understood what the hell he was talking about when Marweas said "Hertzog Zwei".

When I was running both the Homeworld and Tribes franchises we talked to a fairly major RTS company about making the next Homeworld game, and merging the universes. That would have been awesome just to see the Homeworld and Tribes fiction-fan-boys totally freak out. I still wish that one had happened.

There were other ideas, but those three were the only ones that we spent any money on, and only the first and last had any real time go into them.

ohhhh my goddddd

and Herzog Zwei, holy shit :lol::awesome::flabbergasted::lol:

again, great thread

Thank You to all those connected to Tribes that posted :) Congrats to GG, sounds like your project is right where you want it to be. Creativity + some security. That had to be some hard work to get done but it's an admirable accomplishment.
Well...I need to get my 2 cents in!

First, howdy to all who have come back to visit. I chuckled when someone said to get them to do an interview. I would take the tarp off the mic to do a tribestalk where we get those guys all on the air and let them talk about the top 10 tribes moments (as voted by the community). I would vote for the auth servers going down 5 minutes before a tourney I was running started (luckily EAST was listening on TSN).

For me the game of Tribes in all forms has taught me alot about online gaming. T1 was about learning to play as a team. T2 was learning to play with patience and tolerance (tanks on that large water map = CTD) and the horrors of patch day. T:V introduced me to the downside of seeing what happens when someone asks for input and pretends to listen.

It has made me a better consumer and gamer.

I can say I have met many of those comcerned and interviewed others. It's nice to have been a part of that.

obligatory pic:

I met QIX in the bathroom at tribescon and we all hugged later


I would have to look for the ones from the tribes council where menzo, thrax and marweas were getting hammered.

I had the pleasure of meeting Dave on several occasions and interviewing him for PlanetSide. Even picked his brain a bit on Tribes one of those times.

It's great to see you come back to these forums and comment along with the other devs. It's amazing how small the gaming industry seems really - it seemed no matter where I turned someone from Tribes was there :lol: Even stumbled upon Marweas as well.

I came on board with T2 so I knew nothing of Tribes before that - other than what I read here and there. I fell in love with T2 the first time I joined a server, I have met a ton of people thanks to T2, from Devs to personal friends I have now known for years. While I loved the original game - it only got better with Classic - I still hop on now and then. It really was an amazing game out of the box (aside from some of the bugs of course :p ). I have known a few people to try and play and give up because it actually took PRACTICE before you could be some l33t player.

Mucho respect to everyone for coming here and answering some questions all these years later, you guys deserve some beers! ;) And hats off to the Community too – this has been the best TW thread in years :D
I say we all go out and drink some beers and hug and stuff.

except for twiztid, that guy is a jackass.
Almost makes me want to take my server out of mothballs... Almost

Thanks for stopping by all, a nice bit of history and nostalgia going on.