Some Ascension screenshots

ASScension, high hopes for a game that will be worse than Legends

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Wow... It took until the fifth post to get a troll... I am pleasantly surprised for once.

I like the concept, though it is still a bit rough (blocky as noted). Would be interesting to see it with textured skin.
Kachu said:
ASScension, high hopes for a game that will be worse than Legends

I don't even need to post. I have minions doing my dirty work for me. I'm quite impressed by Kachu. It's been so long I forgot I made that graphic! lol!

Hey ASS-cension retards!!! Try proofreading your screenshot captions before posting.

Screenshot caption: "This guys ready to own you. Are you reading to take him on?"


Screenshot caption: "The new medium armor holding a different weapon, Oooo! Spew spew!"

I might be "spewing" after seeing these screenshots, but it would be vomit from my mouth to a toilet, not cum from my dick on your face.
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Zio said:
You are blind and dumb. :domotwak: Even T2 charater models are 10 times better and that game is how old?
Big secret:


Kachu said:
Im just upset they didnt hold up to their claim to STFU and not post on TW about Ascension
no one from renwerx posted this. Just someone who checked their screenshots. GJ idiot. Maybe you should get off Zio's nuts and the bandwagon, if you don't like the game leave it the fuck alone.
Amadeus said:
Big secret:


Ass-cension was done before it began.

Just because it's being developed on a new version of the engine does NOT mean the game will be better than T2/T1. Obviously, we nothing to worry about from their new screenshots. Giant leap backwards on a new engine! Incredible. :lol:
Zio said:
Ass-cension was done before it began.

Just because it's being developed on a new version of the engine does NOT mean the game will be better than T2/T1. Obviously, we nothing to worry about from their new screenshots. Giant leap backwards on a new engine! Incredible. :lol:
Big secret #2:


But I guess you somehow have to make up for the disappointment of all those hours spent on making shitty maps for a game that nobody plays, so carry on.

x_Maerlyn_x said:
Tribes Talk Pro Tip: Zio is a troll, you only need ignore him.
Tribalwar Pro Tip: we feed on trolls.
x_Maerlyn_x said:
Tribes Talk Pro Tip: Zio is a troll, you only need ignore him.

There is a difference in being a Troll and a "True Tribes" defender.

I've always been in the camp of... If it doesn't say Tribes, It's not Tribes. T1 and T2 are Tribes and the best games in the series and I still play T2 classic.

Why would anyone play anything else especially when all the pretenders are so horrid? These joke games haven't brought back a unified community and they NEVER WILL.

Last I knew, this was TRIBES TALK, NOT ASS-sension TALK. Get this shit out of my forum. It doesn't belong here. It's not TRIBES and NERVER WILL BE.