who will play tribe ascend 2nite

They didn't invite me to the beta, even after alpha testing like 6 times. Probably because I didn't have a single positive thing to say about the game each and every time. I'm sure a few others were reinvited though as there were a lot of t2 and t:v players who were sucking dev cock like it was going out of style.
I'm still not sure if I'm going to bother playing tonight. If jump is as bad as ppl say then I don't see much point.
If you were in alpha you're supposed to be in beta unless they removed you for whatever reason. I know that's how most of TW is in beta (hardly anyone bought the VIP thing).

The beta doesn't officially start until like Nov. 4th. Tonight and tomorrow are just some kind of "pre-test" (I'm assuming everyone that should be in beta should have access though).
i'm gonna try and make it in to testing tonight. will be my first time hands on. hope i don't get too pissed with what i find.
let me know how this game goes, if its epic, I'll come out of retirement for the purposes of pwnage. Been talking to some of the old clan members recently, would be fun to fire up the old match server again me thinks. Must be epic though, or I'll let tribes rest in peace.
I can't see it ever being the same as all of us are old now, have responsibilities, families, school, most haven't played much of anything in years.
i might preorder to play tonight, i've been itching for an fps to play and i have not doubt I'll enjoy this more than I would CoD or something.

i'd also just kind of like to see what they are doing to the game first hand rather than reading angsty posts about it.
They didn't invite me to the beta, even after alpha testing like 6 times. Probably because I didn't have a single positive thing to say about the game each and every time. I'm sure a few others were reinvited though as there were a lot of t2 and t:v players who were sucking dev cock like it was going out of style.

Xerious this doesn't particulary apply to you...BUT

I'm asked/invited to alpha and beta test a lot of games. It's funny how most people use alpha and beta invites as a chance to act like a bitter bitch. The idea is to provide constructive feedback as requested. I've learned that I get a lot farther with devs by wording everything in a positive fashion and genuinely trying to help with the process instead of trying to enforce whatever change I may think the game needs.

Stop treating beta tests like a free start. It's a job and your payment for the work to be done is a chance to play a potentially cool new game long before anyone else does. If I ever ran a beta test I think I would use a 3 minute gameplay video and have potetial applicants critique it. This would make it a lot easier to find people who are capable of being an effective beta tester.

We all KNOW by now this game will not be T1 or T2...get the heck over it.