Female Co-workers & Chivalry

So I have been working out of the office with a female co-worker and I was just wondering what the proper etiquette was on being a gentleman.

Example: We entered Panera Bread earlier today. The door opened out. She was a closest to the entrance. For me to get the door for her I would have have had to cross in font or behind her and quicken my pace. It would have therefore been very deliberate that I was going out of my way to get the door for her.

Part of me says that a gentleman always gets the door for a lady. Then there is part of me that says in a work situation gender should not come into factor and therefore in the above example the person closest to the door would be the one to open it.

What says TW?
Knock her down and and tell her "Bitch, I open the door for you". She should then fall instantly in love with you.
if you have to rush to grab the door then dont do it.

if you're already there just hold it open


Also, I try to make sure that I am not going to be in that position. I walk slightly ahead so that I am the one who reaches the door first.

BUT, if for some reason she gets there first and holds it open for me, I say thank you and walk through.
You're going to lunch with a co-worker for fucks sakes. You're not on a date.

If you make it to the door first, open it. If not, who cares?
You are such a fag, SoD



Always walk in front of her, then stand at the door and wait for her to open it for you. It's best if you don't look back at her, just keep looking at the door like it's going to magically open.
Stand at the door and wait til she opens it for you. THen, as you're walking in, do a silent fart.

Just because you're at work doesn't mean you stop being a decent human being.

Besides, work is great for hook-ups. Even if you're not particlularly into her (or vice versa), she might have hot, slutty friends she'll introduce to you if you can fool her into thinking you're a 'nice guy' that won't permanently scar her friend with the daddy issues that can't seem to hold a steady relationship!