So apparently there will be more Tribes?


Veteran X
So I found out like 48 hours ago about Ascend, surprised my account still works. I know everyone isn't exactly excited about the Loadouts, but I figured the franchise was dead anyway. All I got to say about the Loadouts is blame Halo, all FPS's have pretty much moved to this model and a 2 weapon limit, this is where the state of gaming is in 2011. I just hope they are able to really nail the skiing and various physics of the game, then maybe we'll get to pay for our own servers or something and turn it into the game we really want.

How many of you old timers still around btw?
If you want me to take a shit in a box and mark it guaranteed, I will. I've got spare time.
I can't see it being much of a hit if you have pay on an ongoing basis.
Gaming companies are worried about the iphone dollar games taking away from the business and all they can think about is more ways to charge people.
Good business plan, I'm sure it won't fail
I just got done reading the threads on hi-rez's forums, with Saintdude about to have a stroke.

I mean they only charge if you feel what came with the game isn't enough, but I do worry that Free2Play will mean Pay2Win.
yeah let's bring up that old fucking chestnut again

we really need more people screaming about a game with the word 'free' in it that they have never played
So I keep forgetting you guys have probably gone over this a hundred times, it's like joining a conversation with old friends and they have to catch you up.

For that I apologize for posting, but also wanted to drop in anyways and say hi.

There's a huge thread on this. Should be in the first couple pages of threads in the index.
So is this how the whole ritualistic dashing-of-Tribes-hopes process works...

I guess Disciple is in like Stage 1 of the process... the stage of nostalgia, reminiscence, and curiosity setting the foundation for the huge disappointment that will eventually follow later.