[SO] Microsoft sends Linux a happy birthday video

Actually, no they restricted it. I wouldn't expect you to know though since you aren't an Apple developer like myself.

Also, you have herpes from your monogamous girlfriend after she had a spontaneous outbreak (not triggering by cheating on you).

EDIT: f u cod 4
Uh, what a pointless video. I'd be pissed if someone made that for my birthday

I thought it was pretty cool. Right now I'm kicking myself that I didn't buy BadMoFo stock last week when share-prices were in the shitter. The rally his stock has made today alone would have put me on easy street. Oh well.
i just downloaded and installed Linux Mint 11 on an old laptop, I have to say it is pretty sweet and it comes with everything i really need on a computer. Even came with an Office 2010 compatable program.

i am kinda impressed. was gonna go with Ubuntu, but mint came preloaded with goodies and codecs. I everything works and i didnt need to download a single driver.