can you find it? Part 2


Veteran XX
since the obscure Sonic Youth was fun

let me give you answers instead of songs you have never heard

KJ edition

blast this when you roll in your ride and do the fake nod at passers by, then drop the head hammer and rawk out

shits win
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I'm not quite catching your theme here, you are way to subtle dude.

Go out and have a walk in the park or go body surfing or something, it'll help.

(what was the sonic youth one anyway, fucked if I could figure it out)
I'm not quite catching your theme here, you are way to subtle dude.

Go out and have a walk in the park or go body surfing or something, it'll help.

(what was the sonic youth one anyway, fucked if I could figure it out)

to keep with the theme

The only For Long Not Lisa song that is worth shit

too bad the rest of their stuff is total crap

trust me, but a great jam, this song at least
Did you know it's about Karen Carpenter?

I went through hundreds of songs and I would have never guessed that from your desciption :lol: I had no idea how much material they have done, most of it like pulling a saw blade through your skull.

I even downloaded the album "Harry Crews - Naked in Garden Hills" which was Lydia Lunch but also included Kim Gordon. Now that is one god damn painful album to try and listen to. Was a couple of half decent songs on it - "She's in a bad mood" and "Orphans", the rest are pretty full on and messed up. I found the you tubes of them so have a listen, hopefully they might cheer you up a bit :sunny:

i spent over 2 hours looking for that sonic song last night and didn't even get a dime, much less a thank you :(
from the thread arc found it first

he also beat me in trivia tonight

but I found tunic this morning once I remembered one verse

my orginal discription was not correct, she was in heaven not hell, the rest was accurate though

edit: thank you