Dog lovers of TW - this one is for you.


Veteran XX
mstrike copy/pasted a "best of craigslist" ad in another thread and it got me thinking... I'm guessing many of you have read this, but for those that haven't here it is:

best of craigslist: a letter from a shelter manager

Please pander to my genuine curiousity - did you buy your best friend from a breeder/store or did you go to a shelter and find your pet there? Every single one of my friends that owns a dog bought it from a breeder when it was just a pup.

I've given my closer friends some shit by arguing that if they really cared about dogs they would've rescued one instead of buying a pup. Most of my friends are pragmatic, and they agreed with me on principle... Generally they'd admit that they're slightly selfish and bought their dog from a breeder when it was a puppy because they are easier to train, have less issues, are cute etc.

Anyway TW dog owners, did you buy your puppy from a store/breeder or did you rescue your dog from a shelter? What motivated your decision?
Mine was a rescue from a couple idiots that had her locked up in a building without food or water.

That was twelve years ago. Right now she is the final months of her life fighting a disease (almost like MS for humans).
Growing up all our dogs were shelter dogs.

Now we've been rescuing retired racing greyhounds which we get from a local non-profit group. We have 2 right now.
Growing up all our dogs were rescues (minus one i think, but i was too little to know).

As an adult i got my first dog from a breeder (i wanted something specific). I think people who adopt are saints and if i ever get another dog i would want to get it from a shelter.
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Humane Society - it's cheaper and I like mixes anyway so it isn't really an issue. Got my Shepherd/Lab mix there like 3 years ago, can't see any reason I wouldn't get my next dog from a shelter.
i always get pets from the shelter. trying to find a greyhound now actually.

i found an old greyhound with a lot of cuts on it and part of its tail missing in west virginia. oh and you could see every bone.

check there, although that was a month ago so maybe a good owner found it in the mean time?
I got my last dog from a reputable breeder because I knew the exact breed I wanted (reasons for it) and I wanted to be 100% sure it wasn't mixed in any way.

However if the choice was between a rescue/shelter dog and a pet shop dog, I'd choose rescue/shelter.

You have to remember though, just because you don't buy a pet from a pet shop doesn't mean you're boycotting puppy farms and the like. If that dog doesn't sell it will be put in a shelter itself or be euthanize.

All-in-all it doesn't really matter where you get the dog from, because most times you're "rescuing" it anyway.
When I was 18 I got like eleventy speeding tickets in my Trans Am and the judge made me do community service as a fine.

There was a list of places to do community service... "highway", "fire house", "SPCA", etc.

I picked SPCA cuz, hey, puppy dogs there. Fun.

It was more like getting sentenced to fucking Auschwitz. I wanted to slit my own wrists every day I went there. I spent 40 hours in that fucking hell hole, and some of things I saw still bother me even to this day. And it was 20 years ago.