Logo design\web graphics work


Veteran XV
Who are the regulars here that win the logo threads? Need some graphics done(web 'buttons' and shit) and really just want to pay someone to do them all instead of doing some contest crap.
I could do it depending on the amount of detail you want. I've won a ps contest or two, but am not a sexpert.

Now where's my fucken munny?!

But if you have your mind set on a vector button, tell me the particulars, I'd like to have a crack at it.

i really don't care

im not a web guy, im not a graphics guy, and i'm not a designer in any capacity

i want to pay someone to convince me of the right way to do it and then do it the right way

I need an entire site 'themed' i guess
The right way is to CSS/html 5 it. Javascript if you need, and fuck flash in the goat ass.

Taxi is really good at this stuff, I'd link you to some sites he's done but I don't want to embarrass him. He might see this thread and want to do it.
I just purchased the vbulletin forums + cms package, got it all loaded and some settings done, but need someone who knows how to make stuff look good 'theme' it.... Basically a little community in a box

I'm calling it tw2-Rayny Days