[WOT] Towers of Midight


Veteran XX
So has anyone else read it?

It generally ties up quite a few of the loose ends, and everyone is all tree hugging happy for the most part...

Not really impressed at first reading...will reread....

Disappointed at the Tower of Ghenji conclusion really...expected more..it seemed to be a rather quick thing.

Sanderson sure is not Jordan....the way this book was written, it seemed that any Jordan personality from the previous books is totally gone.....I did not feel like this in first book by Sanderson....

Well one more book to go...
I liked it. Jesus Rand is a little weird, and there's still a shit load of things that have to happen in the next book, but all in all everything is finally starting to fall into place for the Last Battle.

I think if Jordan had written that book the same things would have happened, but it would have been at least 200 pages longer. I don't know if that would have been a good thing or a bad thing.
Oh, one more thought


Make it 2 thoughts


Nice job on the blur.