The Death's of PC Gaming

console game makes want PC to die so its easier for them to sell maps, skins and other stupid shit that is typically free on PC
There's a life cycle to PC gaming. It goes something like this.

Indie developers start tiny, hyper-innovative game titles on PC.
Indie title explodes. (see: Minecraft)
Indie dev starts making bigger, more polished PC exclusives.
Indie dev becomes multi-platform gaming juggernaut, or gets absorbed by one (bought out).
Juggernaut chases the money and eventually goes console-only.
Juggernaut dies a slow, pitiful death after abandoning its gaming roots.
Juggernaut dissolves, with many of the original team returning to their roots.
This was a pretty interesting write-up: Kotaku, the Gamer

If it makes one thing clear, it's that there's obviously still a lot of money in PC gaming. But there are two big issues that I don't see going away:
1) Console manufacturers (most importantly Microsoft) have a vested interest in killing PC gaming, since they get *way* more royalties on each console game sold (as opposed to nothing on most PC game sales).
2) Partly because of that, and partly because consoles are just a bigger market, PC is/will continue to play second fiddle to console games in terms of big flagship titles.

So, still a sizable market that won't go away, but will continue to be in the shadow of console gaming. There's more money in consoles (even if it turns out not to be THAT much more for most 3rd party companies), and a big economic incentive for Microsoft to advertise/push that perception.
This shit again? If there is money to be made people make games for the PC, some how I doubt Blizzard is going to be posting record losses for this year. If they can make money selling PC games people will invest in companies that make games for the PC.

The day Blizzard has a news release saying they are going to quit making games for the PC we can start talking about the death of the PC gaming market.
mmorpgs will keep pc gaming alive! unless the consoles figure out a way to steal that market with something better than a failboat FF title, PC gaming isn't going anywhere.
hardcore gaming: PCs
casual gaming: consoles

it will always be this way... and to say one will kill the other is like saying air hockey will kill real hockey.

note that "hardcore" does not automatically mean competitive.
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There's a life cycle to PC gaming. It goes something like this.

Indie developers start tiny, hyper-innovative game titles on PC.
Indie title explodes. (see: Minecraft)
Indie dev starts making bigger, more polished PC exclusives.
Indie dev becomes multi-platform gaming juggernaut, or gets absorbed by one (bought out).
Juggernaut chases the money and eventually goes console-only.
Juggernaut dies a slow, pitiful death after abandoning its gaming roots.
Juggernaut dissolves, with many of the original team returning to their roots.

Juggernaught then starts cybercafe and dissolves again after air conditioner breaks.
steam has made it so easy to buy games. i've bought stuff i never thought i'd ever get because of a sweet deal. going into a gamestop, there are a lot of titles there, but there isn't a huge selection (if that makes any sense). sure you have your CoDs and Maddens and their ripoffs but not much else.

also, all the console gamers i know usually buy a major title or 2 (maybe 3) a year and leave it at that. Renting is still big i suppose. I wonder how much publishers get from a gamefly type service?
Juggernaut chases the money and eventually goes console-only.
Juggernaut dies a slow, pitiful death after abandoning its gaming roots.
Juggernaut dissolves, with many of the original team returning to their roots.

Uhhh what

EA and Activision are going pretty fucking strong

I disagree with your post completely ;o I don't see many companies dying a "slow, pitiful death", unless they've put out shit products, and the ones that do, it has 0% to do with "abandoning its gaming roots"