The Grand Canyon...again.


Veteran XV
The Grand Canyon is one of the single most awesome places to view the scenery in the entire world. I've been many times, but this time things were a little different. I was guiding 6 other people on a paid trip, was nice to not have to shell out any money to ride for a change.

Anyway, long story short, I took a group of 6 others the 'hard way' over to the Toroweap lookout and a snow storm hit us like a ton of bricks without any warning, as you'll see from the Canyon pics.

There's a trail and a bike in this pic, but it's hard to see...


Pic of my buddy Sean:


Pic at Toroweap, looking West:


Pic looking straight down, roughly 4000 ft:

nice pics

first time I saw the canyon I was just totally awed

pics don't do it justice

Yosemite is the same way